Am I the only person that thinks Cailou (pbs kids) is a spoiled brat?? I can't let me nephew watch it alone. It's one of those shows that I have to watch with him, constantly explaining how the older brother is not treating his sister fairly or not thinking or behaving rationally.
It's disappointing when kids networks such as pbs, Disney & Nickelodeon air tv shows and movies with children acting spoiled, disrespectful or even purposefully annoying. It is for this reason my children grew up with so little tv & to this day still do not have cable.
I remember when my brother-in-law, George, said that my control over what my girls watch was a form of brainwashing. One, is parenting not a form of good well rounded brainwashing in and of itself? And, two, I'm sure he appreciates, now, my persistence with this control for the sake of his own children's development.
If we, as parents or trusted caregivers, don't wash our children's brains... someone else will for sure!!