The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Friday, November 14, 2014

Someone asked me tonight how I turned my fitness business into a e-cigarette juice company??

Good question & the answer is actually rather easy. Well, you know, I've always had passion for health/fitness/weight loss, etc... so.. I'll skip that long story & the credentials that go with & skip right to my vice.... Smoking Cigarettes!!

I didn't think I'd ever quit & I honestly, didn't really have a desire to quit at all. I'd rationalized that being overweight was more unhealthy than smoking and I believe it & to some extent... I still do.

So, when a friend let me taste his e-cigarette, I wasn't tasting it for any other reason than curiosity. Well, the flavor was yummy... something candy related.. I'm sure. So, I went ahead and bought a cheap starter e-cig & a bottle of cotton candy fluid with the intention of using the e-cig indoors on our summer vacation and continuing to smoke cigarettes as normal when outside. However, something crazy happened... I found myself smoking the e-cig more and more to the point that when I'd try to smoke a real cigarette it tasted disgusting!!!

Before I knew it, I had accidentally quit smoking & became an avid believer that vape'n can help you quit!!

Ok, so why did I start making my own fluids? Ahhh... back to the original question... thank you!

I found that some fluids were great, some gave me headaches, stomach aches or even sore throat/lungs... & since no one in my area is making fluids and the 'head shop' or gas station owners that sell e-cigarettes don't actually know much about the fluids that they sell (from all over the place.. made who knows where and who knows when).. I used my over active brain & began the research.

I found out that not only would fresh fluids be a healthier option, they tasted more amazing as well. I teamed up with my research partner from Catholic University & developed vitamin additives that would be safe & super effective to vape.

We found out some pretty amazing stuff about vapor along the way & now, instead of being a smoker, I am a vaper.. for life!!

I decreased my nicotine levels all the way down to 2mg & then transitioned seamlessly from nicotine to caffeine (an addiction I already possessed, accepted & in all honesty, love) and I added healthy weight loss formula to my fluids and boom... Before I knew it, I was down 20lbs & everyone I know that vapes loves the taste of my fluids and asked me to start making theirs fresh for them as well.

So, here I am... combining my passion for health, weight loss, writing, vape'n & even painting ( when I hand paint the glass bottles ) and I'm praying all my hard work, dedication & passion will flow from my fluids like the book 'The Secret' itself flew from the shelves and made its readers rich!! I can only pray my passions do the same!

If you haven't done so already... please check out & let me know what you think? Order some e-juice and see if they can help you the way they've helped thousands quit smoking.

If you need help picking out flavors, additive blends or even the e-cigarette itself (which I can't afford to sell yet, but I will soon, I hope) please, don't hesitate to ask... seriously... I'm here for you!!

My new email is & I can't wait to talk more... now, time to fill some big orders from Fraz's bday special today. If you missed the bogo sale... don't worry... another one is around the corner ;)

Stay tuned & Stay fit!! As always, I appreciate all of your support and know, without a doubt that without you I wouldn't be working so hard! For that... I am endlessly grateful!!