The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy 2014!! What are Your Resolutions??

Good Morning!!! Goooood Morning!!

Happy first Monday of January! Happy first Monday of 2014!

You know what that means, right?? Resolution TIME!!

I’ve made my list, I’ve checked it twice… Wait, that’s Santa…

OK, I’ve made my list, now it is action time!!

The girls are going back to school today (THANK GOD!!)

So, it’s the first ‘normal’ week of 2014 & Resolution 1 (wake up every weekday EARLY) is complete (check)

Better still, I went to bed early, slept like a rock & woke up naturally at 4:30 (15 minutes before a buzzer disturbed my crazy dreams)

Now, It’s time for Resolution 2 (write everyday) Wait, does this count?? Probably not. I’m sure there are some people out in cyber world that love my antidotes, possibly even in the real world. However, I highly doubt any of you are willing to pay me to blog… So, better write something ‘real’?? (so, uncheck)

Resolution 3 (run everyday) Now that I have been cleared for exercise again, not only will I be breaking my shoulders in physical therapy. I’ve decided to run more marathons this year. Not the full, crazy, sub-human marathon… I’m a firm believer that is only necessary to run once a lifetime. But, 10k’s, half-marathons, 5k’s with the kids?? I’m all over them this year. Not that I need to prove anything to myself, like with the full, but to inspire my kids & maybe even raise some money for good causes along the way.

My resolutions are simple and somewhat vague this year leaving room to add along the way.

The year is 2014 and I plan to be more Fit, Focused, Motivated and Inspired!!!

Wish me luck =)

Saturday, January 4, 2014


My relationship with Jonathon seems to be in rut. I wonder why, after only 4 years, we seem to be in such a funk. I mean, after all, is it not called the 7 year itch? Then, I remember an interesting fact that most people don't know about us. A fact, which after stated most still don't fully understand. For the first 3 years of our relationship, we spent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week together. To fully understand the relevance of this fact, let me break it down.

In an average adult relationship, couple begin with the dating stage. During this stage (usually 3 to 6 months) couples will go, on average, on one date a week. Let's say that date, if they are lucky, lasts between 4-8 hours (So, stage 1 averaged 6 hours a week for 18 weeks is 6x18= 108 hours)

After this stage in a relationship, the couple begins to get more serious. They move in together. A move in this early, to some, would still be considered moving pretty fast. But, let's say this couple is madly in love. So, they are now living together. However, in most adult relationships, both people are working in this 2nd stage. So, now they see each other every night after work and spend most of their weekends together. So let's do the math backwards for this stage. There are 168 hours in a week. We will subtract 60 hours a week for work (factoring in differing schedules, commute and random overtime). Plus, we'll take out a girls night/boys night out once a week (8 hours) in this stage as well. (So, during stage 2 they spend 100 hours a week together).

Stage 2 could last till marriage. Let's say 2 years? After marriage, at least one person has to continue working so the 60 hours of work stays put. Perhaps, the alone time with their friends decreases. (So, during stage 3 they spend an average of 108 a week hours together)

Most couples don't spend 24/7 together, besides the occasional vacation, until they are retired. So, 30 years of Stage 3?? Anyway, let's see how we compare to an average couple on the 'fast track' Keep in mind, that today's generation probably moves even more slowly than my averages. Dating for years instead of months before moving in together and even longer before they get married and spend 'all' their time together.


On average                            Jonathon & I

1st year-3,108 hours    Total 3,108                1st year-8,736    Total 8,736

2nd year-3,108 hours    Total 6,216                2nd year-8,736    Total 17, 472

3rd year-4,800 hours    Total 11,016                3rd year-8,736    Total 26, 208

4th year-4,800 hours    Total 15,816                4th year-5,184    Total 31,392

5th year-5,184 hours    Total 21,000                

6th year-5,184 hours    Total 26, 184                

7th year-5,184 hours    Total 31, 368        

Moral of my story?? Jonathon and I have spent as many hours together in our 4 years as most people spend together in 7-10 years. So, maybe I need not worry as much about our rut and just pray no one scratches that 7 year itch because rumor has it that once past this storm, it's pretty easy sailing.