The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Saturday, September 21, 2013


I'm wondering how different my life would be if I was single & I'm thinking not that much?? This week has been particularly hard because of that damn game grand theft auto, but even before that game came into our lives taking with it all of Fraz's sleep this week, our money budgeted for a date night & our poker night this evening because he will be in a catch up sleep coma his entire weekend off, even before all that... his presence is so near non-existent it borderlines on negligence.

I miss having a partner.. an adult to share my life with.. yes, I have a roommate that helps pay the bills but I can count on one hand the number of nights we have slept in bed together at the same time in months!

I hate the Xbox & all that it takes from him when he goes on binges & honestly pray that he doesn't let it take his entire family from him... we miss him enough as it is & then you add to that an attitude from lack of sleep & I'm left with a chip on my shoulder, a cold bed & pensive blog entry.

Ok.. pity party over.. as my great grandfather pa honey  always said, everything will work out exactly as it should, worry not. I hope you are right pa honey & Jonathon can figure this one out on his own because venting aside, I refuse to bitch (at him)... I'm not his mother & more importantly I am too proud to beg...for attention!! No way! I'm sure there are people that would be happy to hang out with me if i do become too bored sitting in bed alone much longer!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Creative depletion

Have you ever felt so incredibly depleted of creative energy you begin to wonder whether you ever had any to begin with?

I look around my house and see paintings that I've created. I browse through old journals & read poetry, narratives & memoirs in my handwriting. Yet, holding a paint brush in one hand & a pencil in the other, I see no picture, hear no words.

I'm almost certain this is due to exhaustion. So, at 8 pm this old, creative-less lady will head to bed with prayers of inspiration in her heart.

Goodnight blogtopia... wish me an early rise full of new ideas to fill my days with beauty & originality.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Time to get busy!!

Nothing makes me happier than putting a smile on a child's face! Well, over the next 9 months, I will have plenty of chances to do just that! Not only will I have Briley full-time this year for preschool & therapy combined, I will also have Jace 4 days a week, Colt & Drew 3 days a week & probably a few other random kids as well. Hopefully, Peyton & sully some weekends & of course, never forgotten queen princesses Caitlin& Madi!!

Bottom line ... I may not be able to be in a classroom full-time anymore, but my home will become a part-time classroom for a few hours a day, five days a week!

I am ecstatic to share my gifts with the little ones and although this may be different from middle school in so many ways, I will be teaching nonetheless! I've instructed Jonathon to listen carefully and stop me immediately if he hears me solving quadratic equations on the chalkboard. Besides that, I think this year is going to be a fun adventure for us all.

Wish us luck & apologizing in advance if my blog entities get very toddlerese.