The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

DAY 3~Core Growth Principle



I see some clients who have been saying for years that they want to transform their bodies, lose weight, burn fat and get strong and lean. But they don't. We discover a major reason for this when they come to me for guidance: they are practicing the very definition of insanity in their approach to diet and workouts: doing the same unsuccessful thing over and over again and expecting successful results. 

Sure, once in a while, these people may eat a little healthier, take the latest diet supplements or exercise once or twice a week. But the Core Growth Principle states what exercise physiologists, spiritual leaders, financial advisors, psychologists, yoga teachers and career coaches all know to be true. We know that in order to gain more strength,stamina and results in any area, you must consistently ask more of your muscles, mind, emotions, or experience, than you have before, learn to endure it, let it make you stronger and then even as your new actions transform you, you continue to parlay your new results into more focused actions, more of that drive that helps you reach your greatest goals.

In another twist, it's not simply doing more that's the answer, but what kind of more you do. In the case of burning calories and fat, it's not enough just to do tons of cardio. First off, you'll end up spending hours in the gym that you could be using to do something more important, like having a beautiful meal with friends, or writing another chapter in your novel. In fact, like you'll learn over the next 2 weeks, if you work out smarter, you don't need to work out longer. 

Today, I want you to stop wasting time and energy wallowing around in your same old situation. To grow, you must wade out of the muck and get your boat on a river that will take you where you most want to go. 

The Core Growth Principle asks that you show up specifically, economically, do your best work in a way that expands what you thought possible, and then your actions continue to bring you riches and results 24-7.


Depriving themselves in order to lose weight is one of the most common errors my clients make. Eating fewer calories than your body requires actually makes you gain more weight--not lose it. Here's how: 

Initially your body may shed some extra pounds because you have stopped eating enough, but that can be mostly water and lean muscle tissue, which will lower your metabolism, not raise it! The scale says a lower number but it's actually not a good thing. 

Plus, once your body realizes that those needed calories aren't going to be making a return anytime soon, it will become defensive and begin to hold onto fat instead of burning it for fuel. Instead, it begins to catabolize (use up) lean muscle tissue as your fuel source. You have now just defeated the purpose of your exercise practice.

To reverse this, support your life, not sabotage it, and gain the benefits of all your fat-burning and body-toning efforts, eat three whole food meals with 2 small, healthy snacks in-between. Eat until you're satisfied, not stuffed, and work mindfully but strongly in your consistent yoga or exercise program. You'll have a happy, healthy body, and will feel amazingly energetic too!

Here's a perfect, filling lunch that won't have you reaching for sugary, processed foods later.
2 whole grain wraps
1 avocado, chopped
1 grated carrot
1/2 grated beet (optional)
2 lettuce leaves or handful of sprouts (sunflower sprouts)
1/2 can black beans
2 tbsp. grated cheddar cheese (optional or nondairy alternate)
2 Tbsp. hummus spread

Makes 1-2 Wraps: Spread hummus over the Ezekiel wrap and place a lettuce leaf or handful of sprouts in the middle of the wrap. Place small handful of chopped avocado, grated carrot, grated beet, black beans and 1 tbsp. of grated cheddar cheese. Roll up burrito and cut in half. Enjoy!


Lean muscle mass burns far more calories all day and night than cardio-only, which stops the elevated calorie expenditure almost the moment you step off the machine. If you want your body to constantly be humming along in service of your weight loss or toning goals, you'll want to focus on building long, dense muscle fibers. Notice I said "long". Short, contracted, bulky muscle is not going to build mass as effectively, tends to limit your motion, and compress the joints and spine, causing pain. Not cute. 

Instead, we'll employ the Core Growth Principle here. To build long, stronger muscles, you must hold some poses throughout your workout to fatigue. Fatigue doesn't mean you fall on the floor. It means that you cannot hold a pose or repeat another movement in good form. Your muscles will feel very intense at this point, and some burning or shaking is normal. I've learned to love this place, or, okay, at least get along with it, since it strengthens not only our muscles, but our hearts and minds to endure the intensity of life with grace and focus. 

Every time you do your yoga video from here until Day 14, I want you to press "pause" and hold at least 3 moves until you can't hold them in good form anymore. You can pick different ones each day, but I'd make sure that one targets your legs, one your arms and one either your abs or your back. 

When you add longer holds into your practice, then stretch during and after the moves, as yoga instructors have you do naturally throughout the sequence, you will notice a supercharge in your muscle tone, even as you gain more flexibility and freedom. 


Make a list of improvements you wish to make in any area of your life. Brainstorm with yourself and decide on the next steps you'll take to grow in your body, mind, heart and life, but make sure to do them in ways where you get a bigger energetic or financial payoff for less effort. 


Imagine yourself in a situation where all things are perfect. You are the ideal weight. You are financially stable & secure. You have an abundance of energy. What exactly are you doing and who are you with in this moment? Be descriptive as you visualize this perfect day. 

Begin your journal entry like this...

All conditions in my life are perfect. I am so happy as I..... 


"I trust in my body and mind to be perfect in every situation."

Good luck with your Day 3! 

~Stephanie Chasles 

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