The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Day Before you Begin your Challenge

Here we go again. It has been requested that I begin the 21 Day Challenge again. So, I've taken the challenge down off the blog and I will repost each day by day starting tomorrow morning. So, if you want to join us this time around go to this blog's homepage and put your email address in the right corner box that's labeled 'follow by email' and each morning (before 5am, I promise!) you will get emailed the day's post.

Please remember, this challenge is not a itinerary telling you exactly what to eat and/or do every minute of every day, rather it's more a collection of all the best information available on diet, exercise and overall wellness (mentally and physically). If you'd like to spend hours of time researching all of the latest and greatest information available out there to discover what I've found, go for it. Or, you can simply use the info I've found (from places like the NIH and Nutrition Studies conducted by all the major universities) and from there create your own perfect lifestyle that will include the very best possible You!!

Each day we will cover...

  1. The Mission of the day (to help you work effectively from the inside out)
  2. The Yoga Tip of the Day (which is to be used with the 20 minute video below, unless otherwise stated)
  3. The Health Tip (to help you make better choices while you're creating your own meal plans)
  4. A Bonus Recipe of the Day (most days~to add to your collection)
  5. Homework assignment/Journal Entry
  6. Positive Affirmation 
Before you begin, today, you may want to....
  1. Get yourself a journal (on the 1st page.. write down your weight/measurements/goals)
  2. Take before pictures from every angle in your workout clothes or bathing suit
  3. Head to the grocery store and buy lots of fresh fruits (lots of lemons) and veggies, chia squeeze* and Emergen-C vitamin mix* 
  4. As a rule of thumb, every day I usually... 
    1. Begin with the morning detox ((hot water w/one tea bag, half of lemon and honey to taste))
    2. Do the Yoga Video below
    3. Then have some fresh fruit w/greek yogurt OR
    4. The chia squeeze thing*
    5. Then drink the vitamin mix*
    6. For lunch fresh veggies
    7. For dinner, a meal with the family using some of the recipes included
    8. However, you will find that as you do this yoga video every morning your metabolism is going to kick into overdrive and you'll be able to eat much more than before!! Just remember to keep your snacks healthy. If you're not sure how to do that, don't worry, you will soon!
  5. Set your alarm clock for 30 minutes earlier than normal. If you take a few minutes to read the days post while sipping on your tea, then get on the floor and do the 20 min yoga video below, you are headed in the direction of Greatness!!  
*Both the Chia Squeeze thing and the Vitamin Mix are pictured below and both can be found at Costco or any health food store. I promise, these are the only "supplement-like" things you will need for this challenge! 

Both are under 10 bucks for a two week (or more) supply and totally worth adding to your daily diet forever!! Caution, drink the chia squeeze thing very fast, in big gulps. Don't try to chew the chia seeds, just get them into your belly for long lasting hunger-sation that will hold you over till lunch the healthy way (w/ omega 3's and not caffeine that'll drop you on your bum on its departure!) 

The best of luck during your 21 Day Challenge.. begin tomorrow and you will be wrapping up your Day 21 just before the kids head back to school!! What better way to start this school year?? Show off your new body to all the other parents on the 1st day of school and more importantly have the energy necessary to handle, yet another, chaotic school year!! 

Enjoy! ~Stephanie Chasles 

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