The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Friday, November 14, 2014

Someone asked me tonight how I turned my fitness business into a e-cigarette juice company??

Good question & the answer is actually rather easy. Well, you know, I've always had passion for health/fitness/weight loss, etc... so.. I'll skip that long story & the credentials that go with & skip right to my vice.... Smoking Cigarettes!!

I didn't think I'd ever quit & I honestly, didn't really have a desire to quit at all. I'd rationalized that being overweight was more unhealthy than smoking and I believe it & to some extent... I still do.

So, when a friend let me taste his e-cigarette, I wasn't tasting it for any other reason than curiosity. Well, the flavor was yummy... something candy related.. I'm sure. So, I went ahead and bought a cheap starter e-cig & a bottle of cotton candy fluid with the intention of using the e-cig indoors on our summer vacation and continuing to smoke cigarettes as normal when outside. However, something crazy happened... I found myself smoking the e-cig more and more to the point that when I'd try to smoke a real cigarette it tasted disgusting!!!

Before I knew it, I had accidentally quit smoking & became an avid believer that vape'n can help you quit!!

Ok, so why did I start making my own fluids? Ahhh... back to the original question... thank you!

I found that some fluids were great, some gave me headaches, stomach aches or even sore throat/lungs... & since no one in my area is making fluids and the 'head shop' or gas station owners that sell e-cigarettes don't actually know much about the fluids that they sell (from all over the place.. made who knows where and who knows when).. I used my over active brain & began the research.

I found out that not only would fresh fluids be a healthier option, they tasted more amazing as well. I teamed up with my research partner from Catholic University & developed vitamin additives that would be safe & super effective to vape.

We found out some pretty amazing stuff about vapor along the way & now, instead of being a smoker, I am a vaper.. for life!!

I decreased my nicotine levels all the way down to 2mg & then transitioned seamlessly from nicotine to caffeine (an addiction I already possessed, accepted & in all honesty, love) and I added healthy weight loss formula to my fluids and boom... Before I knew it, I was down 20lbs & everyone I know that vapes loves the taste of my fluids and asked me to start making theirs fresh for them as well.

So, here I am... combining my passion for health, weight loss, writing, vape'n & even painting ( when I hand paint the glass bottles ) and I'm praying all my hard work, dedication & passion will flow from my fluids like the book 'The Secret' itself flew from the shelves and made its readers rich!! I can only pray my passions do the same!

If you haven't done so already... please check out & let me know what you think? Order some e-juice and see if they can help you the way they've helped thousands quit smoking.

If you need help picking out flavors, additive blends or even the e-cigarette itself (which I can't afford to sell yet, but I will soon, I hope) please, don't hesitate to ask... seriously... I'm here for you!!

My new email is & I can't wait to talk more... now, time to fill some big orders from Fraz's bday special today. If you missed the bogo sale... don't worry... another one is around the corner ;)

Stay tuned & Stay fit!! As always, I appreciate all of your support and know, without a doubt that without you I wouldn't be working so hard! For that... I am endlessly grateful!!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

DAY 21~ Summary of Beauty!

DAY 21

TODAY'S MISSION:                                    THE SUMMARY OF BEAUTY! 

Today was one of those days, you know the kind, I really needed some coffee! Because I've been drinking my lemon-tea detox every morning, I had no idea my Kuerig machine was on the Fritz. So, after numerous attempts and downright half-asleep begging, I gave up and headed to Dunkin Donuts in my PJ's. I was in line, waiting for my caramel skim-latte w/whip (it's amazing what you can have when you do a metabolism boosting yoga everyday!).

The woman in line behind me said to the barista, "I'd like a large, Cappuccino Blast-- the one made with ice cream, extra caramel syrup on the bottom and top of the cup please" Then she looks at me smiling and continues, "That thing is like 5,000 calories? Ha! Skinny is not in my vocabulary."

I looked at her, and she was quite a vibrant, juicy (my word for 'curvy') woman. She didn't look like she was coping--she looked quite proud of herself, and full of life. I thought, "Good for you, sister--own who you are and what you want."

You might find it strange that I'm talking about downing a highly caloric morning beverage made with ice cream in a weight-loss challenge.... My point is this:

There is a place of equilibrium between health and hedonism where you will feel pretty darned good in your own skin. And it absolutely does not have to be (and shouldn't be) the skinniest point you could ever reach. Toning your body, detoxifying and cleansing yourself and becoming fit does not equate, at least not in my world, with trying to lose as much weight as humanly possible. 

What I want you to aim for with this challenge, and as you move from here into your new, healthy lifestyle, is to above all, feel beautiful, and enjoy your life!! It's not balance if you're trying to force yourself into some mold of what other people think is attractive. When you rock your unique brand of beauty, and your individual healthy set-point, then you will look your best. Super-skinny does not look good on everyone, nor is it necessarily going to make you healthy or happy.

I'm 5'5" and naturally small-boned. Someone once nick-named me 'Bird' because of my tiny wrists, and its true. I like my bird wrists regardless, but its true. At my age and bone-structure,120-130 pounds looks and feels the best on me, but when going through rough emotional times, I can easily start overworking and under-eating, and I get down to 115. That's model-weight, something many women may aspire. However, I do not look like a model when I get under 120. I look like me, with a saggy face and no butt. I look weak and sickly.

Then again, I've also been 40 pounds heavier than this and I can tell you, if I gain that much more weight than my natural set point, I look puffy and strange. Plus, that means I'm eating too much and not processing what I don't need. When I gain too much weight, not only do I look horrible, I feel the part as well. I feel heavy, overloaded and eventually lazy. The heavier I became the more difficult it was to motivate myself for change.

People close to me start getting concerned at either side of my spectrum. And they should, because I have gone out of balance, and they can see it and feel it. The most important lesson in this challenge is figuring out your own comfort zone and then remaining their for optimum health and confidence! 
When you, like me, are eating fresh, whole foods, exercising on more days of the week than not, sleeping regularly, watching your stress levels and gathering people around you that uplift and inspire you to do your life's work, then you will be at whatever weight is most beautiful on you. More importantly, you'll have the energy not just to survive, but to thrive, every day.

When you can agree that your best self ever may not look like an airbrushed magazine shoot, which is impossible to attain, even by the people modeling in them, and rock who you are, you will become so attractive that it won't even matter what the freaking scale says. Now wouldn't that be a beautiful thing??


Most people fall into one of two categories; sweet or salty cravings. I am a sweet craver- salty foods do not do much for me. Gummy Bears and Chewy Spree used to be my go-to craving foods. Thankfully, due to my increased awareness of why I crave and a more balanced diet full of healthy carbs and proteins, my cravings are far less common than they used to be. Now they come when I am sleep deprived and emotionally depleted.

Cravings~ a psychological phenomenon with real biological conditions and root causes. We develop awareness of cravings as we age and become more aware of our bodies. We notice how cravings change over time and we love to discuss the particular cravings of pregnant women.

The body is amazing. It knows when to go to sleep, wake up, go to the bathroom, maintain 98.6 degrees and tighten the eyes when the light gets bright. It completes the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth without instruction of any kind. Your heart never misses a beat. Your lungs are always breathing. The body is a super-computer and it never makes mistakes.

Look at the foods, deficits and behaviors in your life that are the underlying causes of your cravings. Many people view cravings as weakness, but really they are important messages meant to assist you in maintaining balance. When you experience a craving, deconstruct it. Ask yourself, what does my body really want and why?

Causes of Cravings
  1. Emotional eating due to lack in 'primary foods' as we discussed a few days ago. Being dissatisfied with a relationship or having an inappropriate exercise routine (too much, too little or the wrong type), being bored, stressed, uninspired by a job, or lacking a spiritual practice may all cause emotional eating. Eating can be used as a substitute for entertainment or to fill the void of insufficient primary food.
  2. Lack of water can send the message that you are thirsty and on the verge of dehydration. Dehydration can manifest as a mild hunger, so the first thing to do when you get a craving is drink a full glass of water & wait a few minutes and see if the craving hasn't completely vanished.
  3. Lack of nutrients will produce odd cravings. For example, inadequate mineral levels produce salt cravings, and overall inadequate nutrition produces cravings for non- nutritional forms of energy, like caffeine. 
  4. Hormones. When women experience menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, fluctuating testosterone and estrogen levels may cause unique cravings. So, yes be aware of your bodies cycle and always have healthier versions of your go-to monthly cravings so you are not undoing all your hard work once a month! 
  5. Blood Sugar Levels effect more than just your blood. If you suffer from low or high blood sugar, you can become really moody and confused. These mood swings can be so severe that you overeat without acknowledging the consequences as you would in your normal state of mind. To create the balance your body is seeking, check your blood sugar levels at home, before, after and in-between meals for at least one month. If you notice any irregularities, see your doctor right away! Not only will this potentially save your life, you will now be able to maintain the weight you wish with your blood sugar levels under control! 
  6. Self-Sabotage or Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. When things are going extremely well, sometimes a self-sabotage syndrome happens. We crave foods that throw us off, thus creating more cravings to balance ourselves. Worse even, we still believe deep down that we are not worthy of a healthy, fit body and those whispers cause us to sneak sabotaging foods, undoing our hard work. 
Pay close attention to your cravings and listen closely to what they are telling you!

The most important lesson in this entire challenge, and I cannot stress this enough, is to become the absolute BEST YOU possible, you must LISTENING to YOUR BODY and what it wants, what it needs, what makes it feel bad and what makes it feel wonderful and adjust your daily routines and life accordingly!!



Any time I make something to eat, I strive to make it beautiful.

This could be as simple as a fabulous white plate, with a bed of greens or maybe even some red cabbage leaves for a nice hint of color. Instead of dumping the food on the plate, I might carefully pile it high or layer it, completing the dish with either a garnish of fresh herbs, edible flowers, chopped roasted red pepper, sassy little capers or maybe some lemon or orange zest.

Even if I'm making a meal just for me, I arrange it how I would love it to be presented to me by someone else or how I would present it to the people I love...because I love me too, and when I eat, I want to eat something that's sacred, cared for and pretty (just like me;)!


Rainbow Veggie Wrap

1 Ezekiel or whole grain flax wrap
Sliced carrot, roasted red pepper, yellow pepper and cucumber
1/2 avocado mashed
Tbsp hummus
Tbsp herbed goat cheese
Handful of spinach and arugula
Spread hummus and mashed avocado on tortilla.

Layer greens, carrots, peppers, cucumber and cheese in the center of the wrap and roll up. Enjoy the beautiful rainbow wrap!!


We've condensed and expanded our yoga routines with Sadie. We've found some bikini, ab and energy boosting routines. I've even shared a super-short brain stimulating yoga practice discovered and practiced by leading scientists at the NIH. So, today, the last day of the challenge, I want to share the Chakra stimulating mediation that will reinforce everything we've done both mentally and physically over the past 21 days and bring everything into perfect balance.

  1. Standing straight with both feet firmly on the ground, inhale deeply visualizing a colored light beginning at your feet, traveling easily and smoothly up to your forehead and then, out the top of your head. This liquid light will travel in five continuous colored/sound stages on that inhale. On the sixth stage, exhale, while 'seeing' that light shoot out through the top of your head. As you breathe, mentally 'hear' the mystical and miraculous Six True Words mantra and also 'see' the associated colors as follows:
    1. Inhale, visualizing luminous white light traveling from the soles of your feet up to your knees while hearing the sound OM. (ohm)
    2. Exhale purple light from your eyebrows that then shoots out the top of your head to infinity while hearing the sound HUM. (hum)
    3. Inhale, visualizing bright fire engine red light from your knees up to your hips, hearing the sound MA. (mah)
    4. Exhale purple light from your eyebrows that then shoots out the top of your head to infinity while hearing the sound HUM. (hum)
    5. Inhale a golden yellow light from your hips to your navel, hearing the sound NI. (knee)
    6. Exhale purple light from your eyebrows that then shoots out the top of your head to infinity while hearing the sound HUM. (hum)
    7. Inhale a green light starting from your navel, completely filling your torso, arms and hand and moving up to your neckline, hearing the sound PAD. (pahd)
    8. Exhale purple light from your eyebrows that then shoots out the top of your head to infinity while hearing the sound HUM. (hum)
    9. Inhale sky blue light from your neck up to your eyebrow level, hearing the sound ME. (meh)
    10. Now exhale purple light from your eyebrows that then shoots out the top of your head to infinity while hearing the sound HUM. (hum)
Do the above sequence nine times to ground all the good you have been feeding your body, mind and spirit for the past 21 days. Your thoughts are now in the best possible shape of your life, your body cannot help but follow! Congratulations!


As noted in the Causes of Cravings, our primary foods also need tending to and harmonizing. These are all the non-edible food elements of our lives. A great tool for assessing these aspects of our lives is an activity called The Circle of Life, which I learned in my counseling coursework for my Masters in EduPsy and have continued to use for personal and coaching/counseling purposes throughout the years.

This exercise will help you discover which primary foods need attention to create more balance in your life. If the directions are confusing, take a look at my Circle above.
  1. On a blank sheet of paper, or directly into your journal, draw a big circle. 
  2. Separate the circle into 8 sections like you are cutting a pizza.
  3. Place a dot on the line for each section to designate how satisfied you are with that aspect of your life. (i.e. dots placed towards the center of the circle indicates dissatisfaction, while a dot placed towards the periphery indicates ultimate happiness)
  4. When you have placed a dot on each line, connect the dots to see your Circle of Life. Now you have a clear visual of any areas that may need your attention and clearly see just how balanced or lack thereof you may be. 
  5. You can complete this exercise again as often as needed, I personally like to do it once a month, to see if the circle has become more balanced.
The 8 sections are as follows (and feel free to add/change your personal primary tabs to meet your needs/desires)

  1. Happiness/Joy
  2. Health/Physical
  3. Energy level
  4. Financial Stability
  5. Support System (ie family/friends)
  6. Education/Personal Growth
  7. Inspirations
  8. Passion/Romance
Is it just me, or does my 'circle' look very similar to the shape of WV?? Obviously, I purposefully choose tabs that need work. If you've been reading my other blog Random Chaos, you know why these areas need work. Now, I can clearly see the unlevelness of my personal goals or my circle of a balanced life and will be able to easily compare the results next month after further work towards my personal goals. 

Make sure your 'tabs' are personal to your goals or the activity will be useless. If you need, start with the 8 above and add from there, go for it! However, make sure at some point you are personalizing this activity for optimum benefits.  

Journal Entry: 

Last day recap. Today, make sure you measure, weigh and if you'd like compare your before and after pictures. Mine will be posted by the end of the day (fingers crossed!) Also, read back over your entries today and see how much you've learned and how far you've come. 

Today's Positive Affirmation

"I am beautiful... just as I am and as long as I treat my body with love, kindness and respect, I will remain such for eternity!" 

Well, congratulations on completing your 21 Day Challenge!! 

As I stated in the beginning of this challenge, studies show that it takes 21 days to create the neurotransmitters necessary to create a new life-long lasting habit. For this reason, I chose 21 days as the length of this life-changing challenge to be the most Amazing You Ever! Don't believe the validity of this research? Try to Google search '21 day' .... anything and see what pops up!! 

Now that you have completed the 21 days, I must say congrats.. YOU DID IT and I am so freaking proud of YOU!! If you missed a few days, remained hesitant to really begin as you read along, I invite you, now to start with Day 1 & complete the challenge in its entirety. As I work on finishing up the book that compliments this blog, I will continue to add additional research, recipes, worksheets and videos. So, you will be at no loss completing the challenge after posting dates! 

If you love the way you feel and look and would like to continue on this path to complete well-being, but feel as though you need further support, please don't hesitate to contact me at any step of the way. Whether you are on Day 2 or 20, whether you wish to share your success or need help in an area that you've become stuck, I am here! 

Click here to contact me for FREE SUPPORT for a limited time!! 

Good Luck!! 
Love, Stephanie 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

DAY 20~ Risk

DAY 20




Risk is the key to escaping the prison of the past and stepping into a new future. A willingness to risk, to try new thing and to break out of our tired old habits and patterns is an essential ingredient for evolving our souls. Living inside of predictable habits and patterns of behavior can feel comfortable and reassuring, but it ultimately offers nothing more than a stale, robotic existence. When we take risks, we shift our tired routines, make new choices, actively seek new experiences and explore the unknown - this creates delight for the soul. As spiritual beings we are meant to enjoy this life, to continually be curious, grow and change. The path of constant risk and change can feel scary, but it's a sure route for discovering the person your soul desires to become.

Today, on risk-taking day, I am doing something I've never done. I am going hiking, up and then (if all goes well) back down a mountain! I am so excited to push my own limits and see the beautiful serene mountain top view. I hope to get some inspiration for all that is troublesome in life, maybe even an inspiration for a new painting. What will you do to push your limits today? Let's check back in tonight as we work through the journal entries below together. See you later little fish!!


Sounds a little weird, a superfood from a pond, right? On risk day?? Why not! Fact is, spirulina is a natural, blue-green algae found in warm, fresh water. When harvested properly from non-contaminated ponds, it’s one of today’s hottest superfoods. Why? The algae is so nutrient-rich, it’s considered a sustainable food source with the potential to end world hunger. And it’s used globally to treat a wide variety of ailments. The algae is feisty too – unlike most plants, spirulina can withstand extreme temperature variations and neglect and still thrive. Here’s what spirulina has to offer:

Protein: Spirulina is 65-71% complete protein. To give you some perspective – beef is 22% protein. And the essential amino acids found in spirulina are easily absorbed by the body. Imagine a plant that actually provides most of the protein you need to live. Sorry cows, it’s a fact.

Omega-3’s: Spirulina is especially high in heart-protective Omega-3 fatty acids and contains Omega-6’s (crucial for brain function as well as growth and development) and Omega-9’s (helps lower cholesterol and controls blood sugar). Spirulina also contains the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid(GLA) which is hailed for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Chlorophyll: Loaded with chlorophyll (the green pigment in algae and plants), spirulina helps remove toxins from the blood and boosts the immune system.

Iron: Not only does spirulina contain iron, it’s bio-available, meaning the mineral is easily absorbed by the body (important for non meat-eaters and folks with anemia). Even better news? Unlike iron supplements, spirulina doesn’t cause constipation.

Nutrients: Look at this bounty: thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folic acid, vitamins C, D, A, and E, potassium, chromium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc. Phew, gotta catch your breath after that.

Calcium: Spirulina contains over 26 times the calcium of milk, making it an excellent option for folks that don’t eat dairy. Calcium helps maintain strong bones and teeth, is used to help control muscle and nerve function, and helps manage the acid/base balance in our bloodstream.

Thanks in part to the nutrients above, spirulina has additional benefits:

Detoxifies: Spirulina can bind with heavy metals in the body and help remove them.

Burns Fat: This powerful algae actually increases fat burning during exercise.

Boosts Immune System: Spirulina has been shown to encourage and support the growth of healthy bacterial flora in your gut, which helps control candida overgrowth and alleviate the symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lupus, and fibromyalgia (chronic candida can both cause and worsen symptoms when left uncontrolled).

Relieves Allergies: Millions of people suffer from allergic reactions to pollen, ragweed, dust, mold, pet dander, and environmental contaminants. Spirulina helps prevent these reactions by stopping the release of histamines, substances that contribute to allergy symptoms, such as a runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, hives, and swelling.

Lowers Cholesterol: A recent study revealed that when elderly men and women (ages 60-87) were given 8 grams of spirulina per day for 16 consecutive weeks, their cholesterol levels were significantly lower than those given a placebo.

Reduces High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure, or hypertension, affects millions of Americans and increases the risk for heart attack and stroke. A recent study revealed that when men and women, ages 18-65, were given 4.5 grams of spirulina every day for 6 weeks, their blood pressure was regulated and controlled. Even more interesting, no other dietary changes were made during the experiment.

Reduces Stroke Risk: In a study done on rats, scientists found that spirulina had a protective effect on the brain and nervous system of rats exposed to high amounts of free radicals (compared to rats not given spirulina before the experiment).

Fights Infection: In a study conducted by the University of Maryland, it was found that spirulina helped fight viral infections such as herpes, influenza and even HIV, all of which have no other known treatments. It was through this research, conducted by a team that included one of my former classmates that prompted my own curiosity. After reading my friends research, I continued on the road to research all known risks and benefits of this SuperFood. I am amazed, I hope you are as well!

A Few Tips:
Always choose organic spirulina from a reputable source. Non-organic brands can have added nitrate compounds or be contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins from the water.
Spirulina comes in capsules, tablets, powders, and flakes. The recommended daily dose is typically 3 to 5 grams.
When taking spirulina in any form, increase your intake of water to improve absorption.
Since spirulina is a potent detoxifier, start with smaller doses and work your way up.

A Word of Caution:
Even though spirulina is natural and generally considered a healthy food, there are some contraindications you need to be aware of.
Do not take spirulina if you have a severe seafood or iodine allergy.
If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your doctor before taking spirulina.
If you have hyperthyroidism, consult your healthcare provider before taking spirulina.
Those with PKU should consult with a doctor before taking spirulina because it contains that amino acid phenylalanine.
Those on any type of anti-coagulation medicine should consult with a doctor before taking spirulina.
If you have an auto-immune disease, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or pemphigus vulgaris (a skin condition), spirulina may increase symptoms. Speak to your doctor before taking any blue-green algae. 

Really pressed for time?? Our 10, 20 or 90 minute sessions with Sadie too time consuming? Well, I've found a quick 5 minute yoga practice that scientists say turns on your brains focus and mental clarity throughout the day. Do this simple yoga for 5 minutes in the morning and see the difference! 


1. Hold your right earlobe with the index finger and thumb of your left hand. Make sure that the thumb is facing away from you.

2. Hold your left earlobe with the index finger and thumb of your right hand. Once again, make sure that your thumb is facing away from you.

3. Continue to hold your lobes as you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

4. Inhale through your nose, and slowly lower yourself into a squatting position.

5. Hold your breath. Do not exhale until you start making your way back up to a standing position. Continue holding your lobes and sticking your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

6. Repeat this 14 more times for a total of 15 times.

You may not notice a change immediately, but after a few weeks of regular practice, you should notice that your concentration has improved.


We haven't had homework in the past couple days, so.. sorry, I guess I'm making up for lost time. As always, the journaling section of each day is optional, but recommended. Let's get to the bottom of why you've yet to take the risks needed for permanent change before the end of this challenge!! 
  1. What are the tired old habits or comfortable routines that are keeping you from moving powerfully forward in your life? Where or how do you have automatic responses or programmed behaviors that keep you in stale, robotic patterns of behavior?
  2. How could your life shift and what could be available for you if you were to risk taking new actions or making new choices in these situations? What would be available to you that's not available now if you were to open up to risk in your life?
  3. What new choice can you make, specifically in the form of an action or practice, to risk and create something new in your internal world? What risk can you take in your internal world in order to shake things up and experience the delight of the soul?
  4. What two or three situations in your life are most stale and stagnant right now, waiting and wanting for you to risk something new? What risk do you need to take in each situation? What risks can you take in your external world this week in order to step into the unknown and discover new aspects of yourself?
"Change is the magical elixir of my soul."

Good Luck with your Day 20!!
Stephanie Chasles

Friday, August 15, 2014

DAY 19~ Acceptance


Today's Mission:

The Power of Acceptance

I choose to write this 21 Day Challenge as a live course in which I would embark along with you. This means that although, I had a few notes written about the goals of each day, each post, in its entirety, is written each day. I did this knowing that my health is seldom perfect for 21 days in a row.

Today, for instance, I am not feeling great. However, I accept this about myself. I know there are certain days that I don't wake up until dinner time. I don't let my need for rest, interfere with my goals to be healthy and share that wealth of knowledge with you. Acceptance was not easy, but necessary.

Acceptance provides the foundation for constructing the life of our desire. Acceptance calls upon us to give up our opinions and struggles and to simply surrender to our lives as they are. We bring acceptance to every experience from the past, every circumstance as it is right now and whatever the future may bring.

Acceptance allows us to make peace with the ebb and flow of life, the ups, the downs, the challenges and inherent ambiguities. Through it, we can exchange the pain of experiences for the wisdom and opportunities they have to offer. With acceptance, we can focus on the job of nurturing our flames and living an inspired life, providing support and inspiration to others and allowing the divine will to manifest through us.

Today's Health Tip

SuperFood # 3... HONEY

Honey's Health Benefits:

1Prevent cancer and heart disease:
Honey contains flavonoids, antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease.

2. Reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders.
Recent research shows that honey treatment may help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis. This may be related to the 3rd benefit…

3. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-fungal:
“All honey is antibacterial, because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide,” said Peter Molan, director of the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand.

4. Increase athletic performance.
Ancient Olympic athletes would eat honey and dried figs to enhance their performance. This has now been verified with modern studies, showing that it is superior in maintaining glycogen levels and improving recovery time than other sweeteners.

5. Reduce cough and throat irritation:
Honey helps with coughs, particularly buckwheat honey. In a study of 110 children, a single dose of buckwheat honey was just as effective as a single dose of dextromethorphan in relieving nocturnal cough and allowing proper sleep.

Today's Recipe

Greek Yogurt topped with Honey

Simple, self explanatory even, and absolutely Delicious!!

Craving Ice Cream?? Perhaps instead, try this delicious and satisfying treat. 86 tolal calories and loaded with all the benefits listed above, plus loaded with 10g of fat-burning protein from the yogurt!!

 Yes, I think I'll take one.... mmm.. two please =)

Today's Yoga Tip:


By popular demand, I've found a new yoga video, sorry Sadie... we still love you, we just need some focus on those areas we wish to show at the beach. So, here ya go... enjoy!!


"Today I accept the things I cannot change"

My apologies for its lateness, here is your Day 19
Good Luck, 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

DAY 18~ Forgiveness

DAY 18

TODAY'S MISSION:  The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the key to unlocking our greatest futures. It enables us to give up the grudges, let go of the resentments and break down the self-imposed barriers that trap us in the past and deny us access to our hearts. Bad feelings, negative judgments, anger and bitterness toward people and experiences bind us into self-limiting, self-destructive and self-loathing patterns. Forgiveness helps us find the gift in every negative or painful experience. Through choosing to ask God for guidance and support in opening our hearts to forgiveness, we can extract wisdom, self-knowledge and inner strength from the wounds of the past. We can then step fully into the present and into a new life of freedom, expression, creativity and love.

Forgiveness is not about giving those who have wronged you, a gift or power. In fact, it is about giving yourself a gift and power. Forgiveness allows you to move forward and choose not to let the actions of others or the random acts of chaotic life define you or your path.

As many of you probably read my rant on my more personal and candid blog, I have a loser ex-husband whom doesn't pay child support nor try to contact or stay in touch with his amazing daughters. He went to court yesterday and once again lied to the judge. However, the judge was able to see through his lies, even in my absence to correct him. She sent his case before the big judge to a real trial. I may or may not attend this trial. I still haven't decided because the truth is, I let go of him and all that he brings to the table both good and bad.

I made a decision to free myself of all his negative drama. The amount of money he owes me is nothing compared to the peaceful and happy life the girls and I have, free of the burden of everything that follows him like a storm cloud. For me personally, the only way I could forgive him and all that he put us through, was by distancing myself from the constant reminders. Through the Power of Forgiveness, I made the choice not to allow my marriage with him affect the rest of my life (or my beautiful daughters).

The wisdom that comes with forgiveness reminds me, I made the right decision because we are all happy and he is still the same man-child carrying around phrases like "It's not my fault" and "If my dad was around...." or "If my mom did this...." like they are Bible scriptures! If I've ever met a person more in need of forgiving, I don't recall. However, we can't force others to forgive. We only have Power over ourselves!

I chose to forgive him, for my own healing. With that forgiveness, does not mean I blindly allow him to hurt me ever again. It is a strong and powerful moment of wisdom when you are able to simultaneously forgive and Let Go!! My momentary lapse in will as I wrote that blog entry was out of anger. My current health problems were not caused by him, nor need be fixed by him and my quick, angry post tying the two together was a mistake. I am human and I will, at times, slip and allow myself to point my problems towards the past. However, like I forgive others, I've also learned to quickly forgive myself and move on.

Yes, I have pain and troubles. Again, I am human. However, I can make the choice, everyday to tackle each obstacle with the support of God and not through blaming the past, or anyone in it. Getting stuck in our anger is the place our problems begin to multiply. Forgiving, allows us the freedom to move forward.

Today, I am going back to the UM Dental School to find out if there is any hope for getting my dental work done more slowly as opposed to one big surgery. I will basically beg and plead for my health and refuse to leave until some solution is obtained. I am not sure the outcome of this appointment, but I will head there in confidence and prayer. Please, say an extra one for me if you get a chance. If you don't, I forgive you ;)


Chia seeds were revered by both the Maya and Aztecs for their amazing energy and natural healing powers. In pre-Colombian times, chia seeds were a main component of both the Aztec and Maya diets, and played a prominent role in religious ceremonies. One tablespoon of the seeds was considered capable of sustaining a warrior for 24 hours. Today, chia is the force behind the famous long distance runners, the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico’s Copper Canyon. The Tarahumara power their extraordinary stamina with chia, as described in the New York Times bestselling book, Born to Run by Christopher McDougall:

“In terms of nutritional content, a tablespoon of chia is like a smoothie made from salmon, spinach, and human growth hormone. As tiny as those seeds are, they’re superpacked with Omega-3s, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, fiber and antioxidants. If you had to pick just one desert-island food, you couldn’t do much better than chia, at least if you were interested in building muscle, lowering cholesterol, and reducing your risk of heart disease; after a few months on the chia diet, you could probably swim home.”

“Chia was once so treasured, the Aztecs used to deliver it to their king in homage. Aztec runners used to chomp chia seeds as they went into battle, and the Hopis fueled themselves on chia during their epic runs from Arizona to the Pacific Ocean.” – Born To Run

Chia seeds come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a member of the mint family that grows in North, Central and South America. Consumed as early as 3,000 B.C., chia seeds were eaten as a grain, mixed with water, ground into flour, mixed into medicines, and pressed for omega-3 oil.

These extraordinary seeds offer a complete nutritional profile of omega-3, balanced dietary fiber, complete protein, antioxidants and minerals. At Mamma Chia, we hydrate our organic chia seeds allowing for even better absorption of the nutrients. Chia really is one of the world’s healthiest whole foods!


To obtain my daily dose of Chia, I drink the above squeeze every morning right after I'm done my lemon detox and right before I do my yoga. When I run or take long walks, I always bring one along because there is no other substance out there that will make you feel full without dragging you down as effective as Chia Squeezes or Chia drinks!

They sell the above flavor at Costco in cases for 11 bucks. However, they have even more varieties online that I will be ordering and tasting soon. They are delicious and fast to drink. A few big gulps and you are ready to go! If you can't handle the texture of the little floating seeds (which I simply just bi-pass and gulp down), you can always squeeze a pack into any smoothie of your choice and reap the same benefits. Enjoy.


Ok, so some of you may still be mad at me for yesterday's suggestion of completing the 90 minute video. I know we are all super busy, but I think you deserve 90 minutes to yourself and if you couldn't schedule it in yesterday, be sure to do so soon!

Today, in repentance of yesterday's assignment, I will share one of my best kept secrets. You can reap the same benefits from 'slow' yoga as you can doing it at a much faster pace. Hopefully by now, you've done the 20 minute video enough times to remember some of the moves. Particularly the moves that burn the areas of your body you'd like to see changed the most. For me, that's my hiney and tummy.

When you are in a crunch for time, simply roll out your yoga mat and get to work. Quickly and effectively, do the moves that you love or need the most. For me, this takes just under 10 minutes and that is still including that meditational prayer at the end, thanking myself for taking the time to care for my body, thanking my body for having strength and thanking God for each breath.


Today, as you complete your yoga routine and then move about your day, think about any situations which you have yet to forgive. By this evening, zero in on one particular event that you know is holding you back through the anger and resentment that you carry. Focus on this event as you journal that following questions ...

  1. What is the cost to you in your life and spiritual journey of holding on to this blame and resentment? 
  2. How does this unhealed, unforgiven incident prevent you from having more peace and freedom?
  3. What is the gift, lesson or life wisdom that this experience was meant to deliver to you?
  4. What can you extract and learn from this situation?
  5. What will be available to you if you choose to forgive and let go of this grudge or blame?
  6. How will you be able to advance in your life and spiritual journey by forgiving and letting go?


"Forgive me for my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me"

Good Luck with your Day 18 &
Wish me luck at the dental school! 
Love, Stephanie Chasles

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

DAY 17~ Super You

DAY 17


Ever heard Alicia Keys song, "SuperWoman"? Well, it's one of my absolute favorites and I was going to post the video for you today, but realized the men reading this blog may be a bit left out. The message can be applied to everyone. The point of the song and today's mission is the same, you are SUPER!

Everything you've done thus far is amazing. You are working hard, reading my sometimes overly wordy blogs. You are making good food choices everyday. When you slip, you catch yourself before you fall and you are trying new exercises and foods everyday. If you're not feeling those results for yourself, let me remind you. You are a SuperYou and I am so proud!

We are almost at the end of our challenge, and we've covered all the basics. So, for the next few days, I'll be sharing natures Super Foods with you to add as snacks or treats to your already close to perfect diet! Can you guess which super food is pictured below??



Oh, how I wish I had one of those trees in my backyard. Of course, that would mean I was living in an extremely hot jungle, but I could live with it! If you don't recognize the above tree, let me give you a hint....

Inside it contains the highest antioxidant content of any food on the planet!! It has tons of anandamides (nature's 'bliss' chemicals) causing euphoric sensations and decreasing feelings of depression.

Not to mention, it is absolutely delicious!! Guessed yet?? That's right CACAO!! Otherwise known as chocolate!! Eating small amounts of pure dark chocolate everyday is actually good for you!! Am I your best friend yet??

Homemade Hot Chocolate


3 1/2 cups sugar
2 1/4 cups cocoa
1 tablespoon table salt
*Fat Free Half/Half for serving


In a large bowl, combine sugar, cocoa, and salt, and whisk to combine well. Store the mixture in an airtight container.

For individual servings, pour 1 cup whole milk into a microwave-safe mug, and microwave on high just until hot. Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa mix, and stir to dissolve. For a larger batch of cocoa, warm the milk in a saucepan set over medium-low heat, taking care not to let the milk boil; as it warms, stir in 2 tablespoons of mix for each cup of milk.


Ha, is the picture above not absolutely great?? I thought I was an old-timer picking up a young, hot workout! I change my quote from the other day to "If she can do, you can do it!" 

So, you've mastered the 20 minute video, right? Today you're going to try the entire 90 minute video. The info is below to help you log on for FREE. Basically, I've bought you the right's to the online content, forever. You're welcome. Now, use it. Play the video tonight. If you get tired or a move is too hard for you just yet, sit in child's pose and take some breathes while you regain your strength and confidence. 

The point is not doing every move that Sadie can do, it's blocking out a solid 90 minutes for yourself and trying. Lock your bedroom door and at the most, you'll get 90 minutes of peace and quiet to meditate, right?


 Carve out 90 minutes for yourself to do the "Total Body Yoga Sculpt"

 - Yoga Workout Link
username: yogasculpt
password: 19321121620

When it's over, go make yourself a cup of hot cocoa.. you've earned it! 


"I am SuperWoman"
 "I am SuperMan"

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

DAY 16~ The 3P's (Part 2)

DAY 16.....


They say patience is a virtue. Have you ever wondered who 'they' are anyway? Well, today.. they is me ;)

Patience with yourself is probably the most important virtue to practice during this challenge. It is the very reason, I make no 'quick fix' promises. This challenge is 3 long weeks because losing weight that will stay off forever takes time and patience. Research has proven that 21 days is the amount of time it takes to learn a new process or habit and make it part of your everyday life. This new way of life, is my goal for you.

If you quickly lose 5-10 lbs in a week because you have completely cut out 1-2 meals of your diet and replaced them with supplement shakes and endless pills, that is water weight and you will gain it right back. I Promise! Be extremely weary of supplements of any kind unless you are willing and ready to make those part of your everyday diet until the day you die!

Ignoring the finances it will take to 'supplement' your diet forever, are these supplements so healthy and perfect, you can also supplement your family's diet as well. It is our responsibility as parents to teach our children how to live healthy and balanced lives. What have we learned about nutrition and permanent weight loss if we blindly follow the latest supplement train into the proverbial heaven of Skinny?



Throughout this challenge, I have introduced some new and possibly 'weird' foods. Believe me, I don't expect you to eat them all, every day. The idea behind my daily tips and recipes is that you will try new, healthy foods and incorporate them into your diet as often as you possibility can. I hope you have taken some of the recipes and made them your own as well. If you are having troubling doing such, fear not. Before the end of the challenge, we will recap the lessons and I will teach you how to search for recipes and make them healthy on your own.

However, today is about Practice... Practice really does make Perfect. Another 'they' saying, yes? Well, what does it really mean? Practice is the actual application of an idea or repeated performance of a skill to acquire perfection and Perfection is the quality of being as free as possible from all flaws. Applied to this challenge, Practice is reading the blog, trying the recipes, following the suggestions, doing the Yoga and writing the homework everyday and Perfection is feeling and looking your absolute best!!

If you are drinking your morning detox, followed by morning yoga, eating a small fruit and/or yogurt and/or smoothie for breakfast, some veggies for lunch and a sensible dinner in the appropriate proportions and still not feeling your best and dropping weight daily, it's time for some one-on-one coaching so we can tweek this plan specifically for you! Please don't hesitate to contact me so I can help make Your practice perfect!



*yield: 6 (2/3 cup) servings

Excellent Lunch or side dish for Dinner!! 


4 oz raw broccoli florets (from about 1 small head)
7 oz raw cauliflower florets (half of one large head)
8 oz raw yellow Summer squash, chopped (about 1 small-medium squash)
8 oz raw zucchini, chopped (about 1 small-medium zucchini)
7 oz raw carrots, chopped (this was about 3 medium-large carrots)
5.5 oz raw red onion, chopped large (about half a large red onion)
2 T extra virgin olive oil
2 T Balsamic vinegar
Salt, to taste


Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Lightly mist a baking sheet with cooking spray and set aside
In a large bowl, combine all the vegetables and mix them together. Drizzle the olive oil and vinegar over the vegetables and sprinkle on your desired amount of salt. Toss to coat. Pour vegetables onto the prepared baking sheet and roast in the oven for about 25 minutes or until caramelized.



While I am, in no way, ready to do the above pose, I know I am ON my way. The above pose is my new personal goal, as it takes every last muscle in perfect alliance to perform and master. By now, I hope you are at least, doing the 20 minute video I provided, every single day. I didn't just You-Tube search 'yoga' and post the first video I found. I made sure I found the absolute BEST yoga for losing weight. Sadie will work your core and work it hard!

There may be poses in that video that you are still unable to do. However, if you are practicing everyday, guess what?? You are perfect! You are on your way to fulfilling your wildest dreams one day at a time. Make a new personal goal each day, or week. If you cannot, yet, do a certain pose, keep strengthening the muscles needed to obtain your goal.

Keep in mind, actually attempting certain poses before you are ready is not a good idea! Can you imagine watching me attempt the above pose? I'd certainly flip myself over and on the way down, break, pull and twist all my hard worked muscles and bones and send them out of commission. So, instead, I'm going to keep practicing all the yoga necessary to strengthen the muscles needed.

At the same time, if you have mastered the 20 minute video and it's become so easy you don't even need to watch the video to do the routine... 1) congrats and 2) time to move forward. Next, try the 90 minute full length video. Don't be discouraged if you can't make it to the end. Do as much as you can today and a little more everyday.

Perseverance is steadfastness despite difficulties to achieve success! Where ever your personal limit may be, go there and from there, move forward!


1. Lots of research has been done regarding the 3P's and it can apply to any realm of life.
 How will you practice patience and perseverance today?

2. For fun, can you make up a 3P strong motto that fits your life?


"I will practice patience and perseverance everyday until perfection is mine" 

Good Luck w/ Day 16
~Stephanie Chasles

Monday, August 11, 2014

DAY 15~ The 3 P's (Part 1)

DAY 15


In my first year of teaching middle school, many years ago, our school had a motto that students and teachers, alike, would strive to live by throughout each day. "Remaining 3P strong" The 3P's represent being PEACEFUL, POSITIVE and PRODUCTIVE. At any point during your day, if you ask yourself, "Is what I am doing right now either peaceful, positive or productive?" If your answer is NO, then you may want to rethink your actions. The theory of this 3P motto is so simple, yet profound it has stuck with me throughout the years and I've even decided to tweek it a little for the sake of today's lesson.


Summer is upon us and it is so easy to remain 'busy'. In the grand scheme of things, busy is good. Being busy usually means you're moving, which is excellent. However, if you are too busy to fit in a workout, you need to rearrange your mind-set a bit. Exercise may be the closest thing to the fountain of youth we know. Not only does regular activity strengthen your muscles and improve heart and lung function, but it can also reduce your risk of major diseases, stimulate the growth of new brain cells, and even add years to your life. Studies show just 30 minutes of physical activity on most days is all that's required to reap big benefits. The range of health bonuses now attributed to exercise has surprised even doctors. Picture how you want your future self to function- do you want to still be traveling, active, and alert into your older years? Vibrant and healthy? If so, you must keep moving!

If you find yourself at the park with your kids, workout! Play equipment can make excellent pseudo-gym equipment. Also, be sure you are taking a nice long walk to the park and not driving (cheating). If you find yourself at the beach, lake or pool, get in and actually swim! Your kids, regardless of their age, will be ecstatic you are actually in the water with them and not chilling with the other mom's gossiping (which, by the way, doesn't fit into any of the 3P's because gossiping is definitely not peaceful). The most productive workout you can incorporate into your daily routine is the skill of 'clean dancing'. If you can master, dancing while cleaning, getting your heart rate up the entire time you are knocking out your chores for the day, you are in the Productive Olympics... Congrats!



As simply put as possible, protein equals energy, muscle growth and non-stop fat-blasting positive goodness! 

Common protein sources for vegans and vegetarians are:
Grains, Beans, Soy, Soy milk, Nuts, Protein bars, Protein powder and Leafy greens

Common sources of protein for the non-vegetarian culture are:
Meat: Chicken, turkey, duck, lamb, beef, buffalo, ostrich, so many different types.
Eggs, Fish and Dairy

I encourage you to respect your body's needs. Many bodies need to have animal protein, even if you ethically do not want to take it in. We really are spiritual beings in a material world, and the body, despite what you may believe, sometimes needs this kind of protein. Determine the kind and amount your body needs; it may be more or may be less than what you are consuming now. Some people become too spacey and unfocused without meat or other animal products in their diets. I know, personally, I can only eat red meat about once a week. If I eat more, my stomach gets very upset with me. If I forget to eat it one week, I will quickly become anemic, causing that dragged out, drained tired feeling. I urge to pay attention to how each protein makes you feel and choose the variety that works best for you! 



I love beans! All kinds in all forms. I know many people struggle with digesting them and experiencing gas discomfort, leading them to avoid them. They may develop intestinal problems, irritability, or unclear thinking. Here are a few techniques for preparing and eating legumes that will alleviate most problems: Soak beans for several days, changing the water twice daily, until a small tail forms on the beans; Use a pressure cooker. This also cuts down on cooking time. Chew beans thoroughly and know that even small amounts have high nutritional and healing value.

  1.  Check beans for rocks and shriveled or broken pieces, then rinse. 
  2. Soak for six hours or overnight, with water covering four inches higher than the beans. Small and medium-size beans may require less soaking--about four hours should be enough. Note: If you've forgotten to presoak the beans, you can bring them to a boil in ample water to cover. Turn off the heat, cover the pot and let stand for one hour.
  3. Drain and rinse the beans, discarding the soaking water. Always discard any loose skins before cooking, as this will increase digestibility.
  4. Place the beans in a heavy pot and add 3 to 4 cups fresh water. 
  5. Bring to a full boil and skim off the foam.
  6. Add a small piece of kombu (seaweed) and a few bay leaves or garlic cloves for flavor and better digestibility. 
  7. Cover, lower the temperature and simmer for the suggested time. Check beans 30 minutes before the minimum cooking time. Beans are done when the middle is soft and easy to squeeze.
  8. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking time, add 1 teaspoon of unrefined sea salt. 
  9. Adding soy sauce at the end of cooking will also add flavor and help with digestibility. 
  10. Cook until beans are tender.



The peaceful warrior pose is one of my favorite, as it always makes me feel incredibly centered, grounded and simultaneously flexible. 

Regardless of the pose, always be sure to say a prayer or mantra with your yoga. With each breath in simply say the things you would like to bring into your life, peace, positiveness, love, strength, productiveness, organization, patience, etc. With each exhale, get rid of the things you 'no longer need', as Sadie always says. Such as, anger, resentment, fear, guilt, etc.. 

Adding these 'thoughts', mantras, prayers or affirmations to your yoga practice will improve your day by leaps and bounds. If you are not already doing this, try today. Become a peaceful warrior on the outside and within. Each day, for the past 15 days, I've done Sadie's 20 minute yoga video. Every couple days, I attempt her 90 minute video (which I provided the online access code before the start of the challenge) and I just wanted to share that in just 15 short days, Sadie transformed my body into the crazy yoga lady that stands on her hands, mid-practice. Yes, yesterday.. I was, in fact, that lady below. The first time I watched her full length video, I laughed at how ridiculous it was that this woman was balancing herself on her hands and figured I'd skip that pose till the end of time. 

However, like I always say.. If I can do, you can do it!! You are amazing and strong and with the right plan and challenges you too could be balancing yourself on your hands! Laugh now, but I dare you to try!!
 You never know, if you never try!! 


Weigh in day... how are you doing?? Have you lost weight? Inches? 
How are you feeling? Be sure to go back to Day 1 and compare your answers. 
If you've fallen off track, ask yourself, why? It's not too late to jump back in or if necessary start over completely. You have all the right tools, but the only one that can actually build the life you want, is YOU! 


"Today, I am 3P strong. If my actions are neither peaceful, positive nor productive, I will quickly change course!"  

Good Luck w/ your Day 15... we are almost done!! 
~Stephanie Chasles

Sunday, August 10, 2014

DAY 14~ Child's Play

DAY 14


Imagine children playing outside with friends. At dinnertime the mother reminds the children, "Time to come in and eat." "No mommy, I'm not hungry yet," they respond. At the dinner table, the mother instructs the children to eat their food. Eventually, the children force down a minimally acceptable amount of food and rush out again to play. At the end of the day, the kids return, exhausted, and go to sleep without thinking about food at all.

All that we consider today as nutrition is really just a secondary source of energy. Think back to a time when you were passionately in love. You were floating on air, gazing into your lover's eyes. Your lover's touch and your shared feelings of exhilaration were enough to sustain you. You forgot about food and were high on life.

Remember a time when you were deeply involved in an exciting project. You believed in what you were doing and felt confident and stimulated. Time seemed to stop. You didn't feel the need to eat. Someone had to come by and remind you.

As children, we all lived on primary food. The same as when deeply in love, or working passionately on a project. The fun, excitement and love of daily life have the power to feed us so that food becomes secondary. Now think of a time when you were depressed, or your self-esteem was low; you were starving for primary food. No amount of secondary food would do. You ate as much as you wanted, but you never felt satisfied. Even in good times when we come home at night, we often look into the refrigerator for something to eat, when all we really want is a hug or a stimulating conversation.

Primary foods feed us, but they don't come on a plate. Elements such as a meaningful spiritual practice, an inspiring career, regular and enjoyable physical activity and honest and open relationships that feed your soul and your hunger for living all constitute primary food.

The more primary food we receive, the less we depend upon secondary foods. The opposite is also true. The more we fill ourselves with secondary foods, the less we are able to receive the primary foods of life. Every spiritual tradition encourages people to fast during the year so that individuals have time to reduce secondary foods, thus allowing for a greater awareness of primary food. Without completing this ancient not-super-healthy means of exploration, take the time to explore your primary foods as you journey through the last week of your challenge.



Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) has the highest nutritional profile and cooks the fastest of all grains. It is an extremely high-energy grain and has been grown and consumed for about 8,000 years on the high plains of the Andes Mountains in South America. The Incas were able to run such long distances at such a high altitude because of this powerful grain.

Characteristics: Contains all eight amino acids to make it a complete protein; Has a protein content equal to milk; High in B vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium & vitamin E; Gluten-free; easy to digest; Ideal food for endurance; Strengthens the kidneys, heart, and lungs.

When quinoa is cooked, the outer germ surrounding the seed breaks open to form a crunchy coil while the inner grain becomes soft and translucent. This double texture makes it delicious, versatile and fun to eat. To save time, cook a lot of quinoa at once and eat it many times. Quinoa can be reheated with a splash of soy or nut milk for breakfast porridge; you can add dried fruit, nuts and cinnamon for a sweet treat. Add finely chopped raw vegetables and dressing for a cooling salad or add chopped cooked root vegetables for a warming side dish. Store dry, uncooked quinoa in a cool, dry, dark place in a tightly closed glass jar for up to one year.

Before cooking, quinoa must be rinsed to remove the toxic (but naturally occurring) bitter coating, called saponin. Saponin, when removed from quinoa, produces a soapy solution in water. Quinoa is rinsed before it is packaged and sold, but it is best to rinse again at home before use. Place quinoa in a grain strainer and rinse thoroughly with water.

If you try the recipes below and you are not a fan of plain quinoa or quinoa salad, try hiding quinoa in your next rice dish. If your taste buds can't quiet tolerate quinoa on it's own yet, it is very easy to hide from them and from your family in dishes like rice pilaf, fried rice and even stuffing. I add quinoa to all sorts of food and my family has yet to notice. The nutritional benefits are completely worth your hide-and-never-seek chef games! 


Basic Quinoa

 Prep Time: 2 minutes Cooking Time: 15-20 minutes Serves 4
1 cup quinoa
2 cups water seasonings to taste

Directions: Using a fine mesh strainer, rinse quinoa with cool water until the water runs clear. Combine quinoa and water in a saucepan. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and continue to cook covered for 15 minutes or until all water has been absorbed. Remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes covered; fluff with a fork. Season as you like. *For a delicious toasted flavor, dry roast for 5 minutes in saucepan before adding liquid.

Quinoa Salad

Prep Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 15-20 minutes Serves 6

1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa
3 cups water
1/4 cup lime juice
1/2 cup olive oil
1 cup parsley, chopped
1/2 cup scallion, chopped
1/2 cup tomato, diced
salt and pepper to taste

Directions: Using a fine mesh strainer, rinse quinoa with cool water until the water runs clear. Add rinsed quinoa to sauce pan over low heat; stir with wooden spoon until all water has evaporated and grains emit a faint, roasted aroma. Add water and a pinch of salt; stir once to dislodge any grains that may be stuck to bottom of pan. Cover and bring to boil. Lower heat and simmer, covered, for about 10-15 minutes, or until all water is absorbed. Remove from heat and let stand five minutes covered; fluff with a fork. Combine all ingredients in bowl and serve room temperature.


This super simple, as in, anyone can do it, pose has always been one of my favorites! I'm not sure why the original Yogi's called it the 'child's pose' but I could surely take a guess. For me, surrendering in this pose, facing the sun in the morning is one of the most relaxing while simultaneously stimulating poses in yoga. If you think about it, what is the mind-set of a child?? They are, in fact, free of worry and relaxed about life and simultaneously juiced up and ready to go in ever single moment. That is the feeling this pose invokes. 

Today, at the end of your yoga practice, get into child's pose. Spend a few minutes there, completely silent. After at least 5 minutes, say a simple prayer or positive affirmation before you rise. Something as simple as, "Thank You for the energy to complete yoga today, May I remain in this peaceful, yet ready state all day, Amen" will suffice. Enjoy.


What do you think about the primary foods concept? 
Do you feel balanced between your primary and secondary foods?
Make a list of primary food that you are lacking?


"Like a child, I am free of worry, energetic, grateful and high on life" 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Day 13~ Fierce


One of my close friends always says, "Love is a choice." I used to be confused by this. "You can't help who you love," I'd say...and he would just smile and say, "think more deeply about that."

One day, in the midst of my frustration, I realized: it's attraction that is often not a choice--it's a chemical reaction. Love, however, in the way that you maintain a loving space and craft a relationship full of care and support for, and with someone, is. It's a choice you make all the time, every day. Just like your decision to love yourself, lose excess weight, or anything else you want to nurture for the long term.

Do you really want to get exasperated with your Beloved partner because they didn't do something you wanted them to do, or because they aren't perfect? Or, instead, do you want to forgive them as you would like to be forgiven for yours, bring up your needs with respect and act from total gratitude for their presence and all the things they do offer to you?

There is no one answer here--but the point is that every step of the way, it's your choice. Even if your partner chooses to leave the relationship, you don't have to withdraw love or close off your heart. You can continue to love them, and support them to move along their new path with grace. Isn't that true love, after all?

When you make a commitment to weight loss, to better health, to add yoga to your week or any other lifestyle shift, you can bet your bottom dollar that lots of other alternate choices--the chocolate birthday cake at the office, the siren call of parking your keester in front of the the TV instead of getting on your mat, and many others--will come up again and again. The question to ask yourself is, "which choice is the one I really need to participate in, in order to be balanced, and reach my ultimate goals?" Then do that. The instant gratification you'll get if you eat a large amount of that office cake is nothing compared to the high you'll get when you look and feel your best, and are walking down the street with a radiant confidence. My choices these days aren't polar: I like to have my cake, and eat it too. So I'd likely savor two bites of that birthday dessert, enjoy the heck out of it, then stop, drink soda w/real sugar...and still get to my yoga practice later that night.


This might be a hard request to follow, but try not to come down on yourself for slipping up or eating something off the meal plan...even that aforementioned cake. Note to self: you are human, not a robot. If, while you embark on this journey of choice, you happen to pop a cupcake in your mouth once in a while, well then, lick the frosting off your fingers and enjoy! Nothing should dim your flame, not even dessert. In fact, eating guilt is not a good idea. So, if you're going to choose something to go from plate to mouth, then own it, rock it, and get back on track the next time. Past is past, and you have another meal coming up soon where you get to choose a healthier option!


This one is a gift to all of our taste buds from my friend Caroline Dupont! Now you can have your sweet diversion, and your whole foods too.

Chocolate Mousse Pie


  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 3 dates
  • Honey or maple syrup

  • Filling:

  • 4 ripe avocados
  • 16 soft, fresh dates, pitted
  • 2 heaping Tbsp. cocoa powder
  • 3-6 Tbsp. agave syrup (to taste)

  • Topping:

  • Fresh berries, or blend them with a little agave syrup if desired.

  • Grind almonds in a food processor, and then add dates and mix until texture is uniform. Add a little honey or maple syrup until mixture sticks together. Press into an 8-inch round pie pan.

    Cut avocado in half, remove pit and scoop flesh into a food processor. Add dates, cocoa powder and sweetener and blend until completely smooth. Taste and add more sweetener if desired.

    Pour filling into prepared curst and refrigerate at least a couple of hours. Serve with fresh berries, mashing a little with fork to form a chunky sauce, adding a little agave if desired. Slice and serve!


    Yoga poses are a microcosm of life. Every time you're in one, you're learning how to be in your moment with high quality

    ...if you choose it.

    Once again, there are a million ways to think, and act in each posture. Usually I see my students come onto the mat, start out gangbusters with full attention, and approaching every move with great alignment.

    As the class goes on, things start to fall apart. Once it gets tough to maintain their physical strength, the mind starts to lose focus once it's gone beyond the attention span it's used to, and discomfort rises, it's game over. Or, as I like to invite them to do, make it 'game on' instead!

    When the body and the will wavers is when the good fight begins, between defaulting to the same old ineffective habits, and building 'integrity endurance' on all levels. I see students trying to get away with poor alignment or scattered attention, just because they don't feel like doing the work to move to the next level of strength, flexibility, mental focus--of transformation. They could do it, they just choose not to.

    Remember--if you do the same old thing, you'll get the same old results.

    Today, when you feel yourself faltering on any level, press pause, take a moment to regroup in Child's Pose, and gather your fierce factor so you can press mindfully through to the next place you might not have gotten to had you listened to that first 'give-it-up' voice. I'm not asking you to push wildly past your limits, only to increase them by a few more breaths. If you usually make it to minute 8 in the Fat-Blaster video, for example, it's not fierce to push to minute 17 if it's killing you. Instead, aim for completing one more minute with quality. Conversely, If you can do the whole video easily, challenge yourself to do it twice. This extra oomph moment, whatever it looks like for you, will train you to maintain your center in all your relationships, even if you feel like giving up and acting out of balance.

    Wherever you find yourself waning, re-light the fire of transformation underneath your own booty, and chip away a little bit more. You will find that all that extra effort adds up, fast.


    Today ask yourself where you have gotten away from choosing in favor of your preferred life's creation? How can you move back into that state where you keep your eye on the proverbial ball, no matter what anyone else around you chooses--to cultivate and enjoy your own healing and open heartedness? Not in spite of other people...but because this is who you need to be, right now, no matter what. All the tools you need to do this are already right in front of you. Just look around, and inside. And don't worry--the best possible outcome is assured for you and all those involved when you remember to hold fast to your ultimate decision to Do You to the best of your ability...right now.


    "I forgive my humanity and know that in most situations, I choose to be fierce and so I am!"