The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

DAY 17~ Super You

DAY 17


Ever heard Alicia Keys song, "SuperWoman"? Well, it's one of my absolute favorites and I was going to post the video for you today, but realized the men reading this blog may be a bit left out. The message can be applied to everyone. The point of the song and today's mission is the same, you are SUPER!

Everything you've done thus far is amazing. You are working hard, reading my sometimes overly wordy blogs. You are making good food choices everyday. When you slip, you catch yourself before you fall and you are trying new exercises and foods everyday. If you're not feeling those results for yourself, let me remind you. You are a SuperYou and I am so proud!

We are almost at the end of our challenge, and we've covered all the basics. So, for the next few days, I'll be sharing natures Super Foods with you to add as snacks or treats to your already close to perfect diet! Can you guess which super food is pictured below??



Oh, how I wish I had one of those trees in my backyard. Of course, that would mean I was living in an extremely hot jungle, but I could live with it! If you don't recognize the above tree, let me give you a hint....

Inside it contains the highest antioxidant content of any food on the planet!! It has tons of anandamides (nature's 'bliss' chemicals) causing euphoric sensations and decreasing feelings of depression.

Not to mention, it is absolutely delicious!! Guessed yet?? That's right CACAO!! Otherwise known as chocolate!! Eating small amounts of pure dark chocolate everyday is actually good for you!! Am I your best friend yet??

Homemade Hot Chocolate


3 1/2 cups sugar
2 1/4 cups cocoa
1 tablespoon table salt
*Fat Free Half/Half for serving


In a large bowl, combine sugar, cocoa, and salt, and whisk to combine well. Store the mixture in an airtight container.

For individual servings, pour 1 cup whole milk into a microwave-safe mug, and microwave on high just until hot. Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa mix, and stir to dissolve. For a larger batch of cocoa, warm the milk in a saucepan set over medium-low heat, taking care not to let the milk boil; as it warms, stir in 2 tablespoons of mix for each cup of milk.


Ha, is the picture above not absolutely great?? I thought I was an old-timer picking up a young, hot workout! I change my quote from the other day to "If she can do, you can do it!" 

So, you've mastered the 20 minute video, right? Today you're going to try the entire 90 minute video. The info is below to help you log on for FREE. Basically, I've bought you the right's to the online content, forever. You're welcome. Now, use it. Play the video tonight. If you get tired or a move is too hard for you just yet, sit in child's pose and take some breathes while you regain your strength and confidence. 

The point is not doing every move that Sadie can do, it's blocking out a solid 90 minutes for yourself and trying. Lock your bedroom door and at the most, you'll get 90 minutes of peace and quiet to meditate, right?


 Carve out 90 minutes for yourself to do the "Total Body Yoga Sculpt"

 - Yoga Workout Link
username: yogasculpt
password: 19321121620

When it's over, go make yourself a cup of hot cocoa.. you've earned it! 


"I am SuperWoman"
 "I am SuperMan"

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