DAY 16.....
They say patience is a virtue. Have you ever wondered who 'they' are anyway? Well, today.. they is me ;)
Patience with yourself is probably the most important virtue to practice during this challenge. It is the very reason, I make no 'quick fix' promises. This challenge is 3 long weeks because losing weight that will stay off forever takes time and patience. Research has proven that 21 days is the amount of time it takes to learn a new process or habit and make it part of your everyday life. This new way of life, is my goal for you.
If you quickly lose 5-10 lbs in a week because you have completely cut out 1-2 meals of your diet and replaced them with supplement shakes and endless pills, that is water weight and you will gain it right back. I Promise! Be extremely weary of supplements of any kind unless you are willing and ready to make those part of your everyday diet until the day you die!
Ignoring the finances it will take to 'supplement' your diet forever, are these supplements so healthy and perfect, you can also supplement your family's diet as well. It is our responsibility as parents to teach our children how to live healthy and balanced lives. What have we learned about nutrition and permanent weight loss if we blindly follow the latest supplement train into the proverbial heaven of Skinny?
Throughout this challenge, I have introduced some new and possibly 'weird' foods. Believe me, I don't expect you to eat them all, every day. The idea behind my daily tips and recipes is that you will try new, healthy foods and incorporate them into your diet as often as you possibility can. I hope you have taken some of the recipes and made them your own as well. If you are having troubling doing such, fear not. Before the end of the challenge, we will recap the lessons and I will teach you how to search for recipes and make them healthy on your own.
However, today is about Practice... Practice really does make Perfect. Another 'they' saying, yes? Well, what does it really mean? Practice is the actual application of an idea or repeated performance of a skill to acquire perfection and Perfection is the quality of being as free as possible from all flaws. Applied to this challenge, Practice is reading the blog, trying the recipes, following the suggestions, doing the Yoga and writing the homework everyday and Perfection is feeling and looking your absolute best!!
If you are drinking your morning detox, followed by morning yoga, eating a small fruit and/or yogurt and/or smoothie for breakfast, some veggies for lunch and a sensible dinner in the appropriate proportions and still not feeling your best and dropping weight daily, it's time for some one-on-one coaching so we can tweek this plan specifically for you! Please don't hesitate to contact me so I can help make Your practice perfect!
*yield: 6 (2/3 cup) servings
Excellent Lunch or side dish for Dinner!!
4 oz raw broccoli florets (from about 1 small head)
7 oz raw cauliflower florets (half of one large head)
8 oz raw yellow Summer squash, chopped (about 1 small-medium squash)
8 oz raw zucchini, chopped (about 1 small-medium zucchini)
7 oz raw carrots, chopped (this was about 3 medium-large carrots)
5.5 oz raw red onion, chopped large (about half a large red onion)
2 T extra virgin olive oil
2 T Balsamic vinegar
Salt, to taste

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Lightly mist a baking sheet with cooking spray and set aside
In a large bowl, combine all the vegetables and mix them together. Drizzle the olive oil and vinegar over the vegetables and sprinkle on your desired amount of salt. Toss to coat. Pour vegetables onto the prepared baking sheet and roast in the oven for about 25 minutes or until caramelized.

While I am, in no way, ready to do the above pose, I know I am ON my way. The above pose is my new personal goal, as it takes every last muscle in perfect alliance to perform and master. By now, I hope you are at least, doing the 20 minute video I provided, every single day. I didn't just You-Tube search 'yoga' and post the first video I found. I made sure I found the absolute BEST yoga for losing weight. Sadie will work your core and work it hard!
There may be poses in that video that you are still unable to do. However, if you are practicing everyday, guess what?? You are perfect! You are on your way to fulfilling your wildest dreams one day at a time. Make a new personal goal each day, or week. If you cannot, yet, do a certain pose, keep strengthening the muscles needed to obtain your goal.
Keep in mind, actually attempting certain poses before you are ready is not a good idea! Can you imagine watching me attempt the above pose? I'd certainly flip myself over and on the way down, break, pull and twist all my hard worked muscles and bones and send them out of commission. So, instead, I'm going to keep practicing all the yoga necessary to strengthen the muscles needed.
At the same time, if you have mastered the 20 minute video and it's become so easy you don't even need to watch the video to do the routine... 1) congrats and 2) time to move forward. Next, try the 90 minute full length video. Don't be discouraged if you can't make it to the end. Do as much as you can today and a little more everyday.
Perseverance is steadfastness despite difficulties to achieve success! Where ever your personal limit may be, go there and from there, move forward!
1. Lots of research has been done regarding the 3P's and it can apply to any realm of life.
How will you practice patience and perseverance today?
2. For fun, can you make up a 3P strong motto that fits your life?
"I will practice patience and perseverance everyday until perfection is mine"
Good Luck w/ Day 16
~Stephanie Chasles
4 oz raw broccoli florets (from about 1 small head)
7 oz raw cauliflower florets (half of one large head)
8 oz raw yellow Summer squash, chopped (about 1 small-medium squash)
8 oz raw zucchini, chopped (about 1 small-medium zucchini)
7 oz raw carrots, chopped (this was about 3 medium-large carrots)
5.5 oz raw red onion, chopped large (about half a large red onion)
2 T extra virgin olive oil
2 T Balsamic vinegar
Salt, to taste
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Lightly mist a baking sheet with cooking spray and set aside
In a large bowl, combine all the vegetables and mix them together. Drizzle the olive oil and vinegar over the vegetables and sprinkle on your desired amount of salt. Toss to coat. Pour vegetables onto the prepared baking sheet and roast in the oven for about 25 minutes or until caramelized.

While I am, in no way, ready to do the above pose, I know I am ON my way. The above pose is my new personal goal, as it takes every last muscle in perfect alliance to perform and master. By now, I hope you are at least, doing the 20 minute video I provided, every single day. I didn't just You-Tube search 'yoga' and post the first video I found. I made sure I found the absolute BEST yoga for losing weight. Sadie will work your core and work it hard!
There may be poses in that video that you are still unable to do. However, if you are practicing everyday, guess what?? You are perfect! You are on your way to fulfilling your wildest dreams one day at a time. Make a new personal goal each day, or week. If you cannot, yet, do a certain pose, keep strengthening the muscles needed to obtain your goal.
Keep in mind, actually attempting certain poses before you are ready is not a good idea! Can you imagine watching me attempt the above pose? I'd certainly flip myself over and on the way down, break, pull and twist all my hard worked muscles and bones and send them out of commission. So, instead, I'm going to keep practicing all the yoga necessary to strengthen the muscles needed.
At the same time, if you have mastered the 20 minute video and it's become so easy you don't even need to watch the video to do the routine... 1) congrats and 2) time to move forward. Next, try the 90 minute full length video. Don't be discouraged if you can't make it to the end. Do as much as you can today and a little more everyday.
Perseverance is steadfastness despite difficulties to achieve success! Where ever your personal limit may be, go there and from there, move forward!
1. Lots of research has been done regarding the 3P's and it can apply to any realm of life.
How will you practice patience and perseverance today?
2. For fun, can you make up a 3P strong motto that fits your life?
"I will practice patience and perseverance everyday until perfection is mine"
Good Luck w/ Day 16
~Stephanie Chasles
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