The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Sunday, August 17, 2014

DAY 21~ Summary of Beauty!

DAY 21

TODAY'S MISSION:                                    THE SUMMARY OF BEAUTY! 

Today was one of those days, you know the kind, I really needed some coffee! Because I've been drinking my lemon-tea detox every morning, I had no idea my Kuerig machine was on the Fritz. So, after numerous attempts and downright half-asleep begging, I gave up and headed to Dunkin Donuts in my PJ's. I was in line, waiting for my caramel skim-latte w/whip (it's amazing what you can have when you do a metabolism boosting yoga everyday!).

The woman in line behind me said to the barista, "I'd like a large, Cappuccino Blast-- the one made with ice cream, extra caramel syrup on the bottom and top of the cup please" Then she looks at me smiling and continues, "That thing is like 5,000 calories? Ha! Skinny is not in my vocabulary."

I looked at her, and she was quite a vibrant, juicy (my word for 'curvy') woman. She didn't look like she was coping--she looked quite proud of herself, and full of life. I thought, "Good for you, sister--own who you are and what you want."

You might find it strange that I'm talking about downing a highly caloric morning beverage made with ice cream in a weight-loss challenge.... My point is this:

There is a place of equilibrium between health and hedonism where you will feel pretty darned good in your own skin. And it absolutely does not have to be (and shouldn't be) the skinniest point you could ever reach. Toning your body, detoxifying and cleansing yourself and becoming fit does not equate, at least not in my world, with trying to lose as much weight as humanly possible. 

What I want you to aim for with this challenge, and as you move from here into your new, healthy lifestyle, is to above all, feel beautiful, and enjoy your life!! It's not balance if you're trying to force yourself into some mold of what other people think is attractive. When you rock your unique brand of beauty, and your individual healthy set-point, then you will look your best. Super-skinny does not look good on everyone, nor is it necessarily going to make you healthy or happy.

I'm 5'5" and naturally small-boned. Someone once nick-named me 'Bird' because of my tiny wrists, and its true. I like my bird wrists regardless, but its true. At my age and bone-structure,120-130 pounds looks and feels the best on me, but when going through rough emotional times, I can easily start overworking and under-eating, and I get down to 115. That's model-weight, something many women may aspire. However, I do not look like a model when I get under 120. I look like me, with a saggy face and no butt. I look weak and sickly.

Then again, I've also been 40 pounds heavier than this and I can tell you, if I gain that much more weight than my natural set point, I look puffy and strange. Plus, that means I'm eating too much and not processing what I don't need. When I gain too much weight, not only do I look horrible, I feel the part as well. I feel heavy, overloaded and eventually lazy. The heavier I became the more difficult it was to motivate myself for change.

People close to me start getting concerned at either side of my spectrum. And they should, because I have gone out of balance, and they can see it and feel it. The most important lesson in this challenge is figuring out your own comfort zone and then remaining their for optimum health and confidence! 
When you, like me, are eating fresh, whole foods, exercising on more days of the week than not, sleeping regularly, watching your stress levels and gathering people around you that uplift and inspire you to do your life's work, then you will be at whatever weight is most beautiful on you. More importantly, you'll have the energy not just to survive, but to thrive, every day.

When you can agree that your best self ever may not look like an airbrushed magazine shoot, which is impossible to attain, even by the people modeling in them, and rock who you are, you will become so attractive that it won't even matter what the freaking scale says. Now wouldn't that be a beautiful thing??


Most people fall into one of two categories; sweet or salty cravings. I am a sweet craver- salty foods do not do much for me. Gummy Bears and Chewy Spree used to be my go-to craving foods. Thankfully, due to my increased awareness of why I crave and a more balanced diet full of healthy carbs and proteins, my cravings are far less common than they used to be. Now they come when I am sleep deprived and emotionally depleted.

Cravings~ a psychological phenomenon with real biological conditions and root causes. We develop awareness of cravings as we age and become more aware of our bodies. We notice how cravings change over time and we love to discuss the particular cravings of pregnant women.

The body is amazing. It knows when to go to sleep, wake up, go to the bathroom, maintain 98.6 degrees and tighten the eyes when the light gets bright. It completes the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth without instruction of any kind. Your heart never misses a beat. Your lungs are always breathing. The body is a super-computer and it never makes mistakes.

Look at the foods, deficits and behaviors in your life that are the underlying causes of your cravings. Many people view cravings as weakness, but really they are important messages meant to assist you in maintaining balance. When you experience a craving, deconstruct it. Ask yourself, what does my body really want and why?

Causes of Cravings
  1. Emotional eating due to lack in 'primary foods' as we discussed a few days ago. Being dissatisfied with a relationship or having an inappropriate exercise routine (too much, too little or the wrong type), being bored, stressed, uninspired by a job, or lacking a spiritual practice may all cause emotional eating. Eating can be used as a substitute for entertainment or to fill the void of insufficient primary food.
  2. Lack of water can send the message that you are thirsty and on the verge of dehydration. Dehydration can manifest as a mild hunger, so the first thing to do when you get a craving is drink a full glass of water & wait a few minutes and see if the craving hasn't completely vanished.
  3. Lack of nutrients will produce odd cravings. For example, inadequate mineral levels produce salt cravings, and overall inadequate nutrition produces cravings for non- nutritional forms of energy, like caffeine. 
  4. Hormones. When women experience menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, fluctuating testosterone and estrogen levels may cause unique cravings. So, yes be aware of your bodies cycle and always have healthier versions of your go-to monthly cravings so you are not undoing all your hard work once a month! 
  5. Blood Sugar Levels effect more than just your blood. If you suffer from low or high blood sugar, you can become really moody and confused. These mood swings can be so severe that you overeat without acknowledging the consequences as you would in your normal state of mind. To create the balance your body is seeking, check your blood sugar levels at home, before, after and in-between meals for at least one month. If you notice any irregularities, see your doctor right away! Not only will this potentially save your life, you will now be able to maintain the weight you wish with your blood sugar levels under control! 
  6. Self-Sabotage or Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. When things are going extremely well, sometimes a self-sabotage syndrome happens. We crave foods that throw us off, thus creating more cravings to balance ourselves. Worse even, we still believe deep down that we are not worthy of a healthy, fit body and those whispers cause us to sneak sabotaging foods, undoing our hard work. 
Pay close attention to your cravings and listen closely to what they are telling you!

The most important lesson in this entire challenge, and I cannot stress this enough, is to become the absolute BEST YOU possible, you must LISTENING to YOUR BODY and what it wants, what it needs, what makes it feel bad and what makes it feel wonderful and adjust your daily routines and life accordingly!!



Any time I make something to eat, I strive to make it beautiful.

This could be as simple as a fabulous white plate, with a bed of greens or maybe even some red cabbage leaves for a nice hint of color. Instead of dumping the food on the plate, I might carefully pile it high or layer it, completing the dish with either a garnish of fresh herbs, edible flowers, chopped roasted red pepper, sassy little capers or maybe some lemon or orange zest.

Even if I'm making a meal just for me, I arrange it how I would love it to be presented to me by someone else or how I would present it to the people I love...because I love me too, and when I eat, I want to eat something that's sacred, cared for and pretty (just like me;)!


Rainbow Veggie Wrap

1 Ezekiel or whole grain flax wrap
Sliced carrot, roasted red pepper, yellow pepper and cucumber
1/2 avocado mashed
Tbsp hummus
Tbsp herbed goat cheese
Handful of spinach and arugula
Spread hummus and mashed avocado on tortilla.

Layer greens, carrots, peppers, cucumber and cheese in the center of the wrap and roll up. Enjoy the beautiful rainbow wrap!!


We've condensed and expanded our yoga routines with Sadie. We've found some bikini, ab and energy boosting routines. I've even shared a super-short brain stimulating yoga practice discovered and practiced by leading scientists at the NIH. So, today, the last day of the challenge, I want to share the Chakra stimulating mediation that will reinforce everything we've done both mentally and physically over the past 21 days and bring everything into perfect balance.

  1. Standing straight with both feet firmly on the ground, inhale deeply visualizing a colored light beginning at your feet, traveling easily and smoothly up to your forehead and then, out the top of your head. This liquid light will travel in five continuous colored/sound stages on that inhale. On the sixth stage, exhale, while 'seeing' that light shoot out through the top of your head. As you breathe, mentally 'hear' the mystical and miraculous Six True Words mantra and also 'see' the associated colors as follows:
    1. Inhale, visualizing luminous white light traveling from the soles of your feet up to your knees while hearing the sound OM. (ohm)
    2. Exhale purple light from your eyebrows that then shoots out the top of your head to infinity while hearing the sound HUM. (hum)
    3. Inhale, visualizing bright fire engine red light from your knees up to your hips, hearing the sound MA. (mah)
    4. Exhale purple light from your eyebrows that then shoots out the top of your head to infinity while hearing the sound HUM. (hum)
    5. Inhale a golden yellow light from your hips to your navel, hearing the sound NI. (knee)
    6. Exhale purple light from your eyebrows that then shoots out the top of your head to infinity while hearing the sound HUM. (hum)
    7. Inhale a green light starting from your navel, completely filling your torso, arms and hand and moving up to your neckline, hearing the sound PAD. (pahd)
    8. Exhale purple light from your eyebrows that then shoots out the top of your head to infinity while hearing the sound HUM. (hum)
    9. Inhale sky blue light from your neck up to your eyebrow level, hearing the sound ME. (meh)
    10. Now exhale purple light from your eyebrows that then shoots out the top of your head to infinity while hearing the sound HUM. (hum)
Do the above sequence nine times to ground all the good you have been feeding your body, mind and spirit for the past 21 days. Your thoughts are now in the best possible shape of your life, your body cannot help but follow! Congratulations!


As noted in the Causes of Cravings, our primary foods also need tending to and harmonizing. These are all the non-edible food elements of our lives. A great tool for assessing these aspects of our lives is an activity called The Circle of Life, which I learned in my counseling coursework for my Masters in EduPsy and have continued to use for personal and coaching/counseling purposes throughout the years.

This exercise will help you discover which primary foods need attention to create more balance in your life. If the directions are confusing, take a look at my Circle above.
  1. On a blank sheet of paper, or directly into your journal, draw a big circle. 
  2. Separate the circle into 8 sections like you are cutting a pizza.
  3. Place a dot on the line for each section to designate how satisfied you are with that aspect of your life. (i.e. dots placed towards the center of the circle indicates dissatisfaction, while a dot placed towards the periphery indicates ultimate happiness)
  4. When you have placed a dot on each line, connect the dots to see your Circle of Life. Now you have a clear visual of any areas that may need your attention and clearly see just how balanced or lack thereof you may be. 
  5. You can complete this exercise again as often as needed, I personally like to do it once a month, to see if the circle has become more balanced.
The 8 sections are as follows (and feel free to add/change your personal primary tabs to meet your needs/desires)

  1. Happiness/Joy
  2. Health/Physical
  3. Energy level
  4. Financial Stability
  5. Support System (ie family/friends)
  6. Education/Personal Growth
  7. Inspirations
  8. Passion/Romance
Is it just me, or does my 'circle' look very similar to the shape of WV?? Obviously, I purposefully choose tabs that need work. If you've been reading my other blog Random Chaos, you know why these areas need work. Now, I can clearly see the unlevelness of my personal goals or my circle of a balanced life and will be able to easily compare the results next month after further work towards my personal goals. 

Make sure your 'tabs' are personal to your goals or the activity will be useless. If you need, start with the 8 above and add from there, go for it! However, make sure at some point you are personalizing this activity for optimum benefits.  

Journal Entry: 

Last day recap. Today, make sure you measure, weigh and if you'd like compare your before and after pictures. Mine will be posted by the end of the day (fingers crossed!) Also, read back over your entries today and see how much you've learned and how far you've come. 

Today's Positive Affirmation

"I am beautiful... just as I am and as long as I treat my body with love, kindness and respect, I will remain such for eternity!" 

Well, congratulations on completing your 21 Day Challenge!! 

As I stated in the beginning of this challenge, studies show that it takes 21 days to create the neurotransmitters necessary to create a new life-long lasting habit. For this reason, I chose 21 days as the length of this life-changing challenge to be the most Amazing You Ever! Don't believe the validity of this research? Try to Google search '21 day' .... anything and see what pops up!! 

Now that you have completed the 21 days, I must say congrats.. YOU DID IT and I am so freaking proud of YOU!! If you missed a few days, remained hesitant to really begin as you read along, I invite you, now to start with Day 1 & complete the challenge in its entirety. As I work on finishing up the book that compliments this blog, I will continue to add additional research, recipes, worksheets and videos. So, you will be at no loss completing the challenge after posting dates! 

If you love the way you feel and look and would like to continue on this path to complete well-being, but feel as though you need further support, please don't hesitate to contact me at any step of the way. Whether you are on Day 2 or 20, whether you wish to share your success or need help in an area that you've become stuck, I am here! 

Click here to contact me for FREE SUPPORT for a limited time!! 

Good Luck!! 
Love, Stephanie 

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