The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Thursday, August 14, 2014

DAY 18~ Forgiveness

DAY 18

TODAY'S MISSION:  The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the key to unlocking our greatest futures. It enables us to give up the grudges, let go of the resentments and break down the self-imposed barriers that trap us in the past and deny us access to our hearts. Bad feelings, negative judgments, anger and bitterness toward people and experiences bind us into self-limiting, self-destructive and self-loathing patterns. Forgiveness helps us find the gift in every negative or painful experience. Through choosing to ask God for guidance and support in opening our hearts to forgiveness, we can extract wisdom, self-knowledge and inner strength from the wounds of the past. We can then step fully into the present and into a new life of freedom, expression, creativity and love.

Forgiveness is not about giving those who have wronged you, a gift or power. In fact, it is about giving yourself a gift and power. Forgiveness allows you to move forward and choose not to let the actions of others or the random acts of chaotic life define you or your path.

As many of you probably read my rant on my more personal and candid blog, I have a loser ex-husband whom doesn't pay child support nor try to contact or stay in touch with his amazing daughters. He went to court yesterday and once again lied to the judge. However, the judge was able to see through his lies, even in my absence to correct him. She sent his case before the big judge to a real trial. I may or may not attend this trial. I still haven't decided because the truth is, I let go of him and all that he brings to the table both good and bad.

I made a decision to free myself of all his negative drama. The amount of money he owes me is nothing compared to the peaceful and happy life the girls and I have, free of the burden of everything that follows him like a storm cloud. For me personally, the only way I could forgive him and all that he put us through, was by distancing myself from the constant reminders. Through the Power of Forgiveness, I made the choice not to allow my marriage with him affect the rest of my life (or my beautiful daughters).

The wisdom that comes with forgiveness reminds me, I made the right decision because we are all happy and he is still the same man-child carrying around phrases like "It's not my fault" and "If my dad was around...." or "If my mom did this...." like they are Bible scriptures! If I've ever met a person more in need of forgiving, I don't recall. However, we can't force others to forgive. We only have Power over ourselves!

I chose to forgive him, for my own healing. With that forgiveness, does not mean I blindly allow him to hurt me ever again. It is a strong and powerful moment of wisdom when you are able to simultaneously forgive and Let Go!! My momentary lapse in will as I wrote that blog entry was out of anger. My current health problems were not caused by him, nor need be fixed by him and my quick, angry post tying the two together was a mistake. I am human and I will, at times, slip and allow myself to point my problems towards the past. However, like I forgive others, I've also learned to quickly forgive myself and move on.

Yes, I have pain and troubles. Again, I am human. However, I can make the choice, everyday to tackle each obstacle with the support of God and not through blaming the past, or anyone in it. Getting stuck in our anger is the place our problems begin to multiply. Forgiving, allows us the freedom to move forward.

Today, I am going back to the UM Dental School to find out if there is any hope for getting my dental work done more slowly as opposed to one big surgery. I will basically beg and plead for my health and refuse to leave until some solution is obtained. I am not sure the outcome of this appointment, but I will head there in confidence and prayer. Please, say an extra one for me if you get a chance. If you don't, I forgive you ;)


Chia seeds were revered by both the Maya and Aztecs for their amazing energy and natural healing powers. In pre-Colombian times, chia seeds were a main component of both the Aztec and Maya diets, and played a prominent role in religious ceremonies. One tablespoon of the seeds was considered capable of sustaining a warrior for 24 hours. Today, chia is the force behind the famous long distance runners, the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico’s Copper Canyon. The Tarahumara power their extraordinary stamina with chia, as described in the New York Times bestselling book, Born to Run by Christopher McDougall:

“In terms of nutritional content, a tablespoon of chia is like a smoothie made from salmon, spinach, and human growth hormone. As tiny as those seeds are, they’re superpacked with Omega-3s, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, fiber and antioxidants. If you had to pick just one desert-island food, you couldn’t do much better than chia, at least if you were interested in building muscle, lowering cholesterol, and reducing your risk of heart disease; after a few months on the chia diet, you could probably swim home.”

“Chia was once so treasured, the Aztecs used to deliver it to their king in homage. Aztec runners used to chomp chia seeds as they went into battle, and the Hopis fueled themselves on chia during their epic runs from Arizona to the Pacific Ocean.” – Born To Run

Chia seeds come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a member of the mint family that grows in North, Central and South America. Consumed as early as 3,000 B.C., chia seeds were eaten as a grain, mixed with water, ground into flour, mixed into medicines, and pressed for omega-3 oil.

These extraordinary seeds offer a complete nutritional profile of omega-3, balanced dietary fiber, complete protein, antioxidants and minerals. At Mamma Chia, we hydrate our organic chia seeds allowing for even better absorption of the nutrients. Chia really is one of the world’s healthiest whole foods!


To obtain my daily dose of Chia, I drink the above squeeze every morning right after I'm done my lemon detox and right before I do my yoga. When I run or take long walks, I always bring one along because there is no other substance out there that will make you feel full without dragging you down as effective as Chia Squeezes or Chia drinks!

They sell the above flavor at Costco in cases for 11 bucks. However, they have even more varieties online that I will be ordering and tasting soon. They are delicious and fast to drink. A few big gulps and you are ready to go! If you can't handle the texture of the little floating seeds (which I simply just bi-pass and gulp down), you can always squeeze a pack into any smoothie of your choice and reap the same benefits. Enjoy.


Ok, so some of you may still be mad at me for yesterday's suggestion of completing the 90 minute video. I know we are all super busy, but I think you deserve 90 minutes to yourself and if you couldn't schedule it in yesterday, be sure to do so soon!

Today, in repentance of yesterday's assignment, I will share one of my best kept secrets. You can reap the same benefits from 'slow' yoga as you can doing it at a much faster pace. Hopefully by now, you've done the 20 minute video enough times to remember some of the moves. Particularly the moves that burn the areas of your body you'd like to see changed the most. For me, that's my hiney and tummy.

When you are in a crunch for time, simply roll out your yoga mat and get to work. Quickly and effectively, do the moves that you love or need the most. For me, this takes just under 10 minutes and that is still including that meditational prayer at the end, thanking myself for taking the time to care for my body, thanking my body for having strength and thanking God for each breath.


Today, as you complete your yoga routine and then move about your day, think about any situations which you have yet to forgive. By this evening, zero in on one particular event that you know is holding you back through the anger and resentment that you carry. Focus on this event as you journal that following questions ...

  1. What is the cost to you in your life and spiritual journey of holding on to this blame and resentment? 
  2. How does this unhealed, unforgiven incident prevent you from having more peace and freedom?
  3. What is the gift, lesson or life wisdom that this experience was meant to deliver to you?
  4. What can you extract and learn from this situation?
  5. What will be available to you if you choose to forgive and let go of this grudge or blame?
  6. How will you be able to advance in your life and spiritual journey by forgiving and letting go?


"Forgive me for my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me"

Good Luck with your Day 18 &
Wish me luck at the dental school! 
Love, Stephanie Chasles

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