The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

DAY 10~ Get Real

DAY 10

                                 MISSIONGET REAL

Deep inside the chewy center of all the excuses you may give for why you can't get to your self-work, lies a delicious Truth: that you absolutely can make the time and take the actions to give yourself the most centered perspective, thoughts and actions. You just won't.

Now, some people get pissed when I say this. "Are you saying it's my FAULT that I'm overweight and unhappy?" Well, actually, yes and no. I'm not devaluing you as a human being because of it, because I always think you're amazing, no matter what you do, but also, yes. No matter what happened to stress you out, it is more likely than not an accumulation of your choices within that stress that led you here. The exceptions to this rule are things out of your direct control like genetic disease, or acts of man or nature, like your home getting destroyed by a flood, or an unaware driver hitting you with a car when you were just minding your own business (Universe forbid!). Still, how you choose to see any experience, and then take healing actions within every happenstance and afterward, will dictate whether or not you remain in a positive or negative, constructive or destructive space. It's not what happens to you that matters most. It's what you do with it that makes or breaks your happiness.

Most of you taking this challenge may not know this yet, because I don't use it to define myself. I have a genetic blood disorder called sickle-beta thalessmia anemia (I know that's a mouthful). Basically, my disease causes my blood to be insufficient in two different ways. Half of my blood is misshapen and sticky and literally gets stuck places that it shouldn't be causing pain & the other half of my blood supply is weak and never fully makes it to where it is intended to go. I'm telling you this on 'Get Real' day because if anyone has excuses, it's me. Believe me, I've been to that dark place where I used them as well. However, I no longer let my insufficient blood define my entire life. I have the ability to make healthy choices and so I do. I have the power to be as healthy as physically possible, so I am!

When you can admit and then embrace that you are capable of being at the root cause of many cumulative and imbalanced actions toward yourself, such as overeating or picking unhealthy foods, relationships, thoughts, etc, and you accept that you have been participating in many of them from your own free will, then you have to deal with the fact that you create the outcome of physical health or dysfunction. And by this time in the course, I'm hoping you can take this information to heart...and then change how you act to support yourself, not hold you back.

Now, often, people confuse being asked to take responsibility with being judged.

I'm not, nor should anyone else, including you, tell you you're bad, wrong or worthless for anything. There are respectful ways to enter into a dialogue about areas of concern, while empowering each other to make the shifts, should they decide to, which is what I'm attempting here. If you've surrounded yourself with people who manufacture drama, put you down or don't believe in you, then question, again, why you are allowing this.

When you recognize the truth of the matter--that your root behaviors created much of your current situation, and you can get past the urge to weaken yourself through seeing any of this as criticism coming at you, you will finally be able to empower yourself to make the shifts necessary to enjoy your body & mind and come back at your life from the inside out. And that is all I wish for you.

Only when you accept responsibility for what you have dominion over, transform what you can, and surrender the rest to the Universe, can you ever truly be free.



Fiber! Ummm--what did you think I was talking about?

Most people don't know this, but If you eat a few pieces of fruit per day or take some Metamucil, you will not reach your body's optimal fiber needs. Women need a good 25 grams of fiber daily to maintain a healthy digestive system. Adequate fiber intake also helps absorb excess fat and keeps you full longer so you're less likely to overeat. Fiber is yet another ally in your 21-Day quest to take control of your appetite and not let external forces like that seductive frosted brownie sitting on the counter get the best of your best intentions.

To educate yourself about your true fiber count, read food labels and look for foods with 2 or more grams per serving. Then enjoy lots of organic fruits, veggies, whole grains, raw nuts and seeds to ensure you are getting your daily F-Word in!


Ahhh...the incredible lentil. Packed with protein and healthy carbs, this power food also gives you a whopping 13.5 grams of fiber, all for a low 200 calories!

Lentil Soup

3 cups water plus
3 cups vegetable broth
1 cup lentils (green or red), rinsed
1 finely chopped medium leek or onion
1 finely chopped medium carrot
1 finely chopped celery stalk
2 garlic cloves, pressed or minced
1-14 oz can pureed tomatoes or tomato sauce
1/2 tsp. dried thyme
2 tsp. balsamic vinegar
2 tsp. honey
1 tsp Celtic sea salt
fresh black pepper to taste

Bring water to boil in a large soup pot and add lentils, leek or onion, carrot, celery and garlic.
Gently simmer for 40 minutes until lentils are very tender.
Add tomatoes and thyme and simmer for another fifteen minutes or so. Add extra water if necessary so the soup doesn't over-thicken.
Stir in vinegar, honey, salt and pepper.
Serve hot. Serves 4 - 6.


The other morning, I did yoga with my boyfriend. It was, at least, very entertaining. He struggled through poses which he had no business doing, as the type of yoga I do is pretty advanced. When I tried to suggest a more simple pose to replace the ones impossible for him to do just yet, he was less than appreciative. However, when we got to the part in the video where Sadie sticks her leg way back from crouching dog and I dropped to my knees to continue, a light bulb went off.

I explained to him, as I am to you now, that in yoga (or life in general) you must know your limits and meet yourself there. I, personally, have tiny holes in my hips from my misshaped blood leaving the bone marrow. So, I know that when certain poses extend the hip too far, I have to step back and do it differently. I still put my leg back and get the stretch that Sadie is aiming to reach. I just have to own my pose. Make it my own!

Today as you practice, be open to cultivating humility, the art of checking your ego at the door, so that rather than stubbornly powering through every roadblock and pushing past the edge to the point where you get hurt, depleted or unstable, you promise yourself this: "May I meet my personal edge today, and dance into transformation there, without losing my foundation and remaining in connection with my core alignment."

Claim each pose as your own. Adapt when needed, stay sensitive to your rhythms, respect where your body is today, breathe into the moments of stretch and strengthening that are personal to you--and give yourself all the TLC you need to be able to progress, not regress. You might be amazed to discover that when you pay lots of attention to yourself, and move from your truth, you'll develop that same, attractive brand of authenticity off the mat as well. When you own who and where you are, you truly begin to shine.


Today, take a good, loving look inside. Where have you become a victim of your own choices? Can you think in a different way, re-write an old, diminishing story or find new habits to engage in that get you closer to your positive goals


"I refuse to judge myself by the standards of others, instead owning my circumstances and growing from where I stand today"

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