The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Saturday, August 2, 2014

DAY~6 Master Mentality


When it comes to making changes for the better, I've heard every excuse in the book as to why someone can't. Some of the more common ones:

"My kids take up all my time and energy."

"I'm just dealing with relationship/family/friend drama right now."
"My job is just so crazy right now!"
"I can't seem to find the time."
"I'm super stressed and can't add another thing."
and my favorite: "I'm totally going to week."

The problem with excuses is that there is always another one lined up to stop you from reaching your goals or taking action toward your dreams.

I'm someone who used to be a victim of life, wanting so badly to get out of my dysfunctional situation, but never seeing how I could do it, as sick, tired, heartbroken and stressed out as I was. Then I asked this one question:

"What if I stopped trying so hard to find the time for me, and made it instead?"

This simple but profound shift suddenly put me in the driver's seat, where before I was being taken along for the ride by everyone else's needs, and also by my own doubts and fears.

When I started looking at my days differently, I realized there were many things, like friends' dramas, or my own, or saying yes to things I didn't really want to do, that I actually didn't need to participate in. I started small, making notes of what I would take care of the next day instead of taking those worries to bed and causing insomnia. I told an acquaintance I wasn't available to cat-sit, once a week and sometimes I wouldn't pick up the phone when the drama queens called. I realized: drama voicemail is much shorter.

Then, when I saw that instead of that energy drain, I could not only conserve my life force, I could use it toward something that nourished me and moved me farther along my own path, I began to get excited, empowered...and thinking big.

"If this works," I said to myself, "then what else can I turn to my advantage?"

Honestly, I got a little Master Mentality crazed. I started transforming everything--I lost 30 pounds, let go of toxic friends, wrote and published a book when everyone said it was impossible, became a wellness teacher, and now am a paid blogger, making money off of something that I love and did happily for free!

It's amazing how much more effectively life works when you take matters into your own hands, engage with your own process and stop letting so-called 'reality'--yours or other people's-- get in your way.

I said many of those same excuses back then, too, and I truly believed they were Gospel. Nowadays, as busy as I am, you will never hear me utter an excuse. That's because I have come to understand that there is nothing blocking me from my most incredible path. There is only me, choosing to walk it or not.

When it comes to making the changes you seek, you can look and see resistance. Or, like the people below, all of whom also have busy schedules, families, and fatigued days, you can view your possibilities in a new light.

I have witnessed thousands of clients celebrate every kind of personal victory you can imagine. One woman gained the courage to quit a job she detested, and start a yoga studio, which she absolutely loves. Another left an abusive relationship within which she couldn't seem to get pregnant, met her gentle soulmate the next year and had two gorgeous children with him. My biggest success story is my client that lost over 100 lbs in less than 6 months and after years of being single, met her soulmate and is now planning her wedding!

Wow. I'm in awe when I see the power of dedicated intention put into consistent action. And guess what? You can do it too. Just look around, and question every excuse until it burns in the fire of your newfound fierceness to do what you must to live with no more regrets. No matter who else makes a choice to act a certain way, your choice can, and should always be toward your greatest good.



If you've been following my suggestions thus far, you are already including a good source of lean protein with your meals. However, are you still concerned about iron deficiency?

Dark, leafy green veggies - like spinach, kale, collards, chard and bok choy - contain a high amount of vitamin C, which will enhance your body's absorption of the iron in a lean cut of beef or other iron-containing foods. Iron is one of our foundational nutritional needs. Keep your iron levels up and you will maintain maximum oxygen flow through your bloodstream, which in turn helps you burn fat, build lean muscle density and keeps syour body detoxified for total health.

Grilled Honey Yogurt Chicken with Pineapple Rice

Makes 2 servings
3/4 cup organic chicken broth
1/4 cup pineapple juice from canned, organic pineapple
1/2 cup organic short grain brown rice
1/2 cup plain organic yogurt
1 tbsp honey
Pinch salt & pepper
2 skinless, boneless organic chicken breast, halved
4 canned organic pineapple rings

Preheat grill. Boil the chicken broth and pineapple juice in small saucepan. Add the rice and stir once. Cover, lower the heat and simmer 40 minutes until water is absorbed and rice is soft. Meanwhile, stir together yogurt, honey, salt and pepper. Coat chicken with the yogurt sauce and place on a heated grill for 20 minutes, turning once halfway through. Place the pineapple rings on the grill during the last 5 minutes of cooking. Turn once. Chop two of the rings into chunks and toss into rice before serving. Serve the other rings on top of the chicken breasts, which you can place on a bed of rice.

**Add a side of steamed greens with a little garlic to this dish to create a fat-blasting trifecta of protein, Vitamin C and iron!


Today, you will begin to use your time more wisely by setting resistance aside, and saying yes to the actions that make your own transformation paramount.

You can trigger more fat-blasting benefits for the time spent on the mat by doing one thing: using your foundation to your advantage.

The 'foundation' means whatever's on the floor: feet, hands, sitting bones, whatever. When it comes to your foundation, my Core rule of thumb is: don't hang out on it--fire it up! Or, down, in this case.

Anatomically, your foundation is the first priority in any pose, something to be firmed into and aligned properly before you even come into the next move, because when you work what's on the ground optimally, it will cause your whole body to amplify in strength and results. The core activates and other muscles join in to support the movement better so you're building strength and whole body sculpt, not muscle tension or joint pressure. Your entire body will balance better when any movement comes first from the root underneath it. You'll burn more calories by adding in the inner body activation too--so more mindful foundation equals doing twice the yoga!

Here's a little foundational anatomy refresher. Your feet have three points: the ball of the foot under the big toe and pinky toe, and the center of the heel, that must always be grounding in any moment they are on the floor. When your hands are down, dig all 10 fingertips into the mat, and press through the ring of your outer palm. Watch that thumb and index finger pad--they like to lift up, which can twist the wrist. If your seat or legs are down, root them down strongly. Press any of your foundational points down all the time, whether you're coming into, are holding, or are coming out of a pose--a moment when most people just forget about continuing the active press into the earth. The only time you let your foundation relax is when you're lying on your back resting at the end of class or in a totally released restorative pose. Otherwise, it's like cutting the legs off a table and expecting it to stay standing. You want to avoid inner body collapse, so keep your 'table legs' standing.

Specifically, engaging the foundation sparks the Deep Core line of muscles that runs through the inner body, and brings more power and lightness to your pose. It also amps up your metabolism, since you are now using the inner and outer body more fully, and building more lean, dense, muscles per move.

During your practice today, pay particular attention to maintaining a strong foundation, and enjoy the rush of stepping onto the fast-track toward your best body goal!


1. Have you noticed a change in your energy levels since the start of this challenge?
2. Are you happy with the changes you've made?
3. Can you push yourself further? How?


Imagine, using your visualization technique, a situation that you have the ability to demonstrate the Master Mentality. Imagine you are saying no to something you really don't want to do. Instead of spending time serving others, you can do anything you want. What do you do? Be descriptive.

Begin your journal entry like this...

Having said no to, ______________, I finally had time to ________________________


"I, alone, control my time & from this day forward, I will use my time, solely, towards my own great good."

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