The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

DAY 9~ Self Love


If I ask a room full of 50 students this question: "How many of you love yourself and know you deserve love?", at least 45 of them will raise their hands. Usually, all of them will.

But then, when it comes to taking the actions necessary to put that understanding into action, maybe 4 people in that group will currently and consistently be living examples of that self-love. Self love includes things like committing to actively pursuing a healing lifestyle, like you are during this 3-week challenge, most every day for the rest of your life. It's the source of everything good that will come, not to you...but from you.

You can't make other people into your human chicken noodle soup, and by that I mean that no one is able (nor should be) to soothe and nourish you on demand. The biggest, and some would say, the only reason you stop feeling empowered, is not because other people stop giving you what you need to be happy and whole...but because you do.

If you sit with this concept for a good 5 minutes today, you will realize that every single time something you perceived as negative or unfair happened to you, every time you felt judged or weak or wrong, and every time you turned into a victim of your circumstance because of it, you agreed with those who tried to bring you down. You turned into your own accuser, your own critic, your own bully, and you abandoned yourself for the sake of some external thing.

Today, it's time to cease all agreements with those who would be negative or who just don't have the tools to treat you with reverence. Today, you learn one of the greatest skills of all: Self-soothing. If you want to feel truly satisfied, no amount of food, no matter if it's comforting or healing, will do that on your most profound levels. The satiety you seek can be supported by clean, fresh, holistic meals, but ultimately it comes from a steady diet of energetic, loving soul food...and you're the main chef for that.

Today, ask yourself the following question, all day long: "What do you need now?" And then after that..." What do you need now?" Then do that above all else. You'll be surprised how often other people and tasks can wait, or take care of themselves, as you get back to the full time job of being your most balanced. Of everyone you know, or will ever meet, you know how to comfort and fulfill yourself best, whether it's taking a hot bath, turning on your fun playlist, reading your favorite book for the umpteenth time, going to your favorite restaurant, or making a list of all the love and opportunity that currently surrounds you. You may have lost touch with that ability, in favor of letting others take over for a time, but the more you get back to self-generating all those things you need, the more that skill will always be around when you need you most.



The terms 'Low-fat' or 'fat-free' don't necessarily mean low calorie or calorie-free. Plus, it often means that the food is processed, chemical-laden or not in its natural, whole state. We'll say it again--whole food, kept the way nature made it, such as a whole egg--yolk and all, instead of just the white--is the key to unlocking your body's nutritional health, digestive effectiveness and fat-blasting power--not eating non-fat.

It takes healthy fat to make your fat-burning processes work, and if you don't get it, not only will you burn less fat, your body will compensate for the lack of fat in your diet by giving you crushing cravings for sugar and carbs, which actually can make you gain weight, surge and crash your blood sugar, and put you at risk for diseases like diabetes. If that isn't a reason to get fully immersed in the glories of a natural, healthy lifestyle, I don't know what is.

Check the calorie and nutritional content of the foods you eat, even the low-fat or fat-free ones. Pay attention to the hidden processed carbs and sugar in your diet, especially cookies, muffins, chips, ice creams, crackers, drink mixes and ready-to-eat meals. You will be blown away at how many of the 'healthier' options are loaded with empty calories or chemicals. Extra sugars, fake sugar and tummy-upsetting thickeners are often added to boost flavor and texture, so calorie content may be only a bit less, or similar to standard products.

Fat is not the enemy nor is it the problem; it is the type of fat and food you are consuming that matters most. Yet there are ways to eat too much, or unhealthy fats too, and it's necessary to be vigilant about it as you move into a more satisfying diet. As much as possible, avoid foods high in saturated fat such as excess animal protein, full-fat diary, heavy creams and sauces. Super importantly, completely remove any foods containing trans fats (partially or hydrogenated oils and modified palm oil).

Instead, use healthy essential fats and monounsaturated fats like olive oil, avocados, raw nuts, seeds, cold water fish, nut butters and coconut oil.

These fats will nourish your body from the inside out, stoking your fat-blasting fire, and protecting your skin, hair and nails - your body will literally soak these fats up for good use instead of sending them straight to your tummy and bum!


Stuffed Mushrooms

This recipe adds smooth, fatty pine nuts for an extra-filling boost!
1/3 C pine nuts
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/3 C fresh cilantro, packed leaves, chopped
1/3 C fresh basil, packed leaves, chopped
1 T lemon juice
1 C tomato, chopped
2 T Braggs amino liquid or to taste
Put all ingredients into a food processor, except the tomatoes, and pulse chop several times. Stop to scrape down the sides and repeat.

Add the tomatoes and continue to pulse chop until just blended. Keep the texture to a pesto; it should not be a puree. Remove stems from mushrooms and stuff the filling into the cap of the mushroom.

Set your oven at lowest temp. possible for 30-40 minutes. Serve with a generous helping of a leafy green salad, containing some aged cheese, and/or olive oil and your delicious--and satisfying--meal is complete!


It's incredible how often we reach outward for a sense of calm, when we have a much faster, non-toxic, incredibly empowering and more effective way to do it from within.

Your body produces a neurotransmitter called serotonin. It calls the body to produce chemicals like dopamine, and induce a calming state in your whole being. You may have heard of serotonin due to the current thought that people who are depressed have an imbalance of it. One thing you may not know is that about 95% of serotonin is produced by the digestive tract, not the brain!

Besides regulating mood and helping you feel comforted and safe, properly releasing serotonin helps you sleep and digest better...much better. So much so that if your serotonin levels are off, you may experience digestive upset, irritable bowels or an inability to fully absorb the nutrients in your food and even insomnia. I was personally affected by bouts of insomnia, especially when my main source of exercise was running and walking.

Also, when you're balanced, stress levels decrease and with them, cortisol decreases, one of the causes of body fat storage.

So, a proper serotonin balance equals a more lean, toned body--exactly what we're aiming for during your 21 day challenge!

Today I invite you to watch the video below, then add the Belly Roll, a restorative, serotonin-releasing posture to the end of your workout, and again before you go to bed tonight. Do a 2-minute hold after practice, and at least a 5 minute hold before bed to put you to sleep. Switching to yoga, alone, helped me sleep better at night. Once I discovered her belly roll video, I sleep like a baby!! Warning, you may feel silly (yes, even more silly than the first time you tried the yoga video) so I suggest doing this short video ALONE!!


Make a list of everything in your life that you love and/or are grateful. 
(This one, I hope, will take awhile so I suggest beginning in the morning and adding to it throughout the day) Although, this task is time-consuming, it will be worth it on a day when your self-love is low and you need a boost. If you are running low, daily, on reasons to be happy post this list somewhere that can be seen often.

Next, it's time to check that scale and measurements.. How are you doing on Day 9?? We're halfway through and personally... yoga has turned me into that skinny girl that walks through the gym in my flipflops to go to a yoga class (aka... good thing I can self-love =)  


"I am surrounded by love & I will open my heart & let it in" 

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