The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Monday, May 19, 2014

My variety/modifications

First and foremost, I want to address some of the things that Killed me during my double up/double down stage last time and modify them so this round of hardcore can be a little more enjoyable (therefore more lasting in the long run). During my last hardcore days, I completely cut out sugar from my diet. Now, I don't add sugar to a lot of things, however, I need sugar in my coffee. I know better than to mess w/ all those chemicals in sugar substitutes that just create a world of their own problems (#1 they trick your brain to make you think you're constantly hungry-not good for someone on a diet!! #2 they personally always give me a headache). The bottom line, is that I will probably have a more productive day in general if I just add a little sugar to my coffee and actually enjoy it aka.. finish it!!

I also, tried to completely cut candy out of my diet & I found that during my long runs/walks, I became very hungry & that hunger lasted all day! This round of doubling up my workout, I'm going to allow myself a few pieces of candy only during my walks/runs to keep my blood sugar normal. Now, this is a personal choice and may seem silly to some of you. However, I have low blood sugar naturally so keeping my blood sugar at a normal level when I'm doing abnormal levels of exercise is very important. I urge you to check your blood sugar and blood pressure as well, because many times one of these two factors are exactly what may be holding you back from eating and exercising like you want.

Now, for the variety portion... realizing that my sisters diet included vitamin packets that have caffeine, I decided to add my Emergen-C packets to unsweetened ice tea. I was pleasantly surprised when this crazy idea turned out to be delicious and just as power packed as her Spark drinks at a small fraction of the price. I'm also adding a protein shake to supplement my lunch during the next 3 days. And, last but not least, I'm adding a large variety of exercises to my workout. I'll be doing a zumba/dance video w/ my daughters every night. I'll also be adding 30 minutes of biking (either outside or on the exercise bike depending on the weather). And, I have a few extra weight lifting exercises to add to my morning and evening routines.

I know all of this seems like a lot, but remember .. it's only going to be another 3 days of all this hardcore stuff and after that I'll figure out what is working best, what's not working and what I have time to do everyday in the long run. I've already lost 10lbs & I'm excited to drop the next 10. Once my goal of 15 to 20 is met, sustaining my weight will be the long term goal and that is a whole lot easier to do than lose!!

Wish me luck =)

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