The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

24 day challenge for me by ME

Ok, so the name is obviously still a work in progress considering that no one would be interested in reading, trying and definitely not buying a diet plan named "20 day challenge for me by me" However, the general idea is this.. My sister, Michelle is getting ready to start a diet plan by Advocare called the "Advocare 24 day challenge". The basic idea of the program is the similar to most.. a special diet and exercise. The only difference is that with this program, you have to buy nutritional supplements (vitamins and powdered shake mixes).

I considered purchasing and eventually selling these products to go along with my own personal training program. However, these products are similar to what is offered over the counter and significantly more expensive. So, I've decided that while she tests these products on her 24 day challenge, I will be the control group. I want to go on a 24 day challenge and develop my own diet, exercise routines & store bought supplements. I'm going head to head with my sister (which is always fun and exciting) and with advocare.

If, at the end of this journey, I've succeeded at my personal goal (to lose 15 pounds and generally tone up all the lose ends) without advocare then I will write & publish my plan to share with everyone on a professional level as part of my training program. Those potential clients that have the luxury of living close to me will, of course, get the full personal training package complete with bi-weekly exercise sessions and unlimited text/email support for the coaching aspect. However, for those who wish to follow my plan from elsewhere in the world, I will ideally have the basic outline of program ready to go by the end of these 20 days.
 Win-Win, no??

At the other end of the spectrum and a the very unlikely event that my sister actually beats me in this challenge, then I will admit the advocare supplements are worth the extra buck & sell them with complete confidence to my clients. I wouldn't be able to sell anything any other way, honestly.

So, tomorrow is the day!! The day will bring the beginning of hard work and dedication. I am glad to be competing with my sister, I can think of no better adversary. Good luck, Michelle... Good luck, Advocare... It's ON!!!

1 comment:

  1. PS~ you will be excited to hear that I have every intention to incorporate SUGAR into my diet.. I am so sick of these NO this and NO that diets... I will have everything in moderation.. even your favorite candy. You may have to eat it while you're on the treadmill (like I do) but.. you will not be excluding anything in my diet plan.. b/c bottom line.. those diets don't last!! I'm looking for a plan we can stick to forever, a life changing diet that will change the way you shop, cook and eat FOREVER!! (wish me luck!!)
