The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Monday, June 30, 2014

Note to my blog readers...

First and foremost, I cannot express my gratitude enough in a blog post that wouldn't run-on for days!! If not for you, my blog readers, I wouldn't be here writing about my success in such a way that will, hopefully, soon begin to support my family.

Having said that, I just wanted to add a little side note specifically for the readers of this blog. A few months ago, as you probably know, I completed a 21 day challenge that was completely random and in response to my sisters new 'advocare' business and her 24 day challenge. Being competitive to my core, I decided to wing this challenge under the assumption that whatever she could accomplish via her new diet and supplements, I could match if not beat. I met & beat her challenge completely on my own, using what I learned in my nutrition coursework years ago and what I know now about diet and exercise through my own coaching business experience.

However, along the way, I gained some support and followers beyond what I could have originally imagined. So, now I have furthered my own expertise with more coursework and I will begin the 21 day challenge again, starting tomorrow. This time around, in addition to what I did last time, I will be incorporating more recipes & nutritional info, yoga routines & links to my routines, shape shifting exercises and homework assignments in conjunction with all aforementioned additions.

As this is all new & I am still organizing, working out the kinks and most importantly working towards my own fitness goals, I, so very much, appreciate you joining me along the way. This blog will be full of information from various sources and, at times, may seem random. Luckily for you, this blog will be loaded with actual exerpts from my book, along with research and personal experiences.

Before we begin the challenge again, tomorrow (and before you begin any journey, really) it is a good idea to figure out your goals. So....

In your fitness journal, before we begin the real work tomorrow, write down a list of goals you wish to obtain in this process. Don't second guess yourself, just write. Don't be scared to reach for the moon. Who knows, you may only grab a couple of stars... but how will you know if you don't aim high?!!

My personal fitness goals
1. Lose, at least, 10 more pounds (I know that sounds easy, but I am, currently, at the lowest weight I've been for the past 10 years. Losing 10 more pounds would put me in my early 20's weight!!)
2. Get that super fit, lean, strong, muscle defined yoga/dancer body
3. Eat healthy everyday (even if it's only one healthy meal)
4. Workout everyday (even if it's only for 15 minutes)
5. Share my trials, tribulations and successes candidly via this blog & for the more inside scoop via Random Chaos Blog

So, what are your goals??
Please feel free to share!! Either here or via email.
 I would love to hear from you!!

Good luck!!


It was my understanding, that yoga can be one of the worst ways to lose weight, like, ever. 

Some of the gentle and restorative styles, and even classes that say they will move you, but really don't, are going to burn about as many calories as taking a nap. 

What many people don't know (yet) is that, done right, yoga can also be one of the best for turning on the inner switches that cause weight loss and a higher metabolism. It all depends on exactly which type of yoga workout one chooses.

Luckily, I've done my homework and found a yoga type that targets weight loss or maintenance along with all the other benefits of a great yoga class.

Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga is the one style I know for certain that will definitely produce results and supercharge weight loss in any body.

This type of  yoga is becoming known for being one of the, if not the best yoga styles for weight loss. It includes the following components that make this possible, all of which are not found in any other program  currently on the market. 

This style is truly cutting-edge:

It is a contemporary yoga workout that will produce the most total body transformation, weight loss and toning in the least amount of time, all while remaining accessible to beginners and up. I know that from physical fitness stems self-esteem, and empowerment, my ultimate goal for every reader.

It has signature, Core Poses that have not been seen before in other styles. This helps you cross-train, even from your regular yoga practice, producing more lean muscle and toning results. My instructions move you from the ground up, so even beginners find them easy to master.

This style is safer than many other programs, and focuses on keeping the practitioner safe yet attracted to doing these exciting new poses. The instructor builds each move using the democratic science of anatomy, based on what the body actually needs--and doesn't--to trigger lean muscle, greater flexibility and weight loss.

The yoga body is a body that is lean and long, more like a ballet dancer than a bodybuilder. It's defined but not hard, superhero-strong but flexible. It is a calorie-incinerating machine that works for you all day and night long so you can stop worrying so much about everything you put in your mouth and get back to doing fun stuff. I cannot wait to post the before and after pictures to show the difference between weight loss alone and weight loss, nutritional override and yoga body pictures. 

Below is the link to the yoga workout that will be used during my challenge. Trust me, you are in good hands and she is the best!! 

Good luck!! 

Total Body Yoga Sculpt

 - Yoga Workout Link
username: yogasculpt
password: 19321121620


I want to start these pages by unequivocally stating that this 21 Day process will work to bring about the best YOU ever, no matter the shape you are in right now; body, mind and/or spirit! After writing about, counseling and coaching clients through all sorts of life aspirations and agendas, using all kinds of empowering rituals and regimes, secrets, shortcuts, tips and techniques, I feel MORE than confident in promising (guaranteeing almost!) YOUR success-full and powerfully positive results using the information I've packed into this new Mental Owner's Manual for SHIFTING YOUR THOUGHTS, CHANGING YOUR SHAPE! 

This manual or guide will now provide you all the info you need to access and achieve your best body ever as well as all the anecdotal evidence substantiating these suggestions too! You'll also get a heartfelt and hearty dose of daily encouragement and enthusiasm from me as I take you, day by day, into a world of ancient secrets and symbols, tips and techniques while also adding more modern and cutting edge 'best body' therapies!

See, what I've learned over all these years is that retraining the mind can and will allow you triumph when you proactively trigger your intentions, whether that's about losing weight to feel better, or to look better, or even because of outstanding health issues and agendas. Keeping your attention and focus on the actions, affirmations and steps you can easily take to shift your thoughts and change your shape will be the key that throws open the door to your successful end results. You are now the proud owner of a proactive process and exponentially empowering life-altering practices that will not only provide a positive focus for unconscious and subconscious habit shifts and changes but will also offer energies that will uncover your best body ever.

 This process and these practices will help to strengthen your self-control as well as your sense of self-confidence and self- worth. And that's just the beginning. These time-tested suggestions will also provide you with a deeper understanding and better connection to that same self, giving you the tools you need to live much more comfortably in your own body as it transforms into a healthier, happier and more harmonious one. The inspirational and effective material offered inside this 21 Day process addresses the arenas of body, mind and spirit that will give you permission to be in control of your own health and well-being and then to use that control to your highest benefit and best advantage.

And just so we're clear here, this is NOT any traditional 'mind over meatballs' sort of 'think yourself slim' report. Although overcoming emotional overwhelm in order to let go of both excess baggage and weight is one of the goals of this report, weight reduction is not the only positive result you will see from using it. We are actually going to be tapping a part of your brain that will make it easier to attain ANY of your goals, like bringing forth the best YOU ever, in a much more effective and empowering and, yes, even an easier than ever before manner.

 That said, a study performed by the JOURNAL OF CONSULTING AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY did find that using 'mind therapy' could boost overall weight reduction by a whopping 146 percent, so, yeah, there is that! Mostly, though, this information will give you the opportunity to make shifts in your life that will then proactively and positively result in you being kinder to you, and, if you ask me, that's worth any effort all by itself!

My mission here is single focused and passionate; I want to help you make your hopes, wishes and yes, YOUR dreams a reality. And, well, if having a healthy and beautiful body is one of those dreams than THESE pages were written expressly for you!

As you will soon see I have divided each day's teachings into four parts of each of the 21 days represented in this process. There are affirmations included for each day and a written exercise containing a question as well. I've included this question to actually activate or trigger your affirmation. I have personally seen first hand how traditional affirmations sometimes don't work for people partially because they don't really believe what it is that they are trying to convince themselves of. However, if you turn that process around and ask yourself a logical question: "if the mind is always searching for answers to questions then why not ask the right empowering question that will then prompt us to change our thought patterns to the positive in order to answer them?" Whew said a mouthful there eh? But this thinking is easy to swallow when you realize that you indeed create your reality in two distinct ways: by the statements you say to yourself and all others as well as by the questions you ask too. 

ONLY when you harness the power of asking the right questions and then add that exercise to your affirmative ones will you have found the portal or pathway to SHIFTING YOUR THOUGHTS and, then, CHANGING YOUR SHAPE. Just remember that when you are forming your question you are acting 'As If' meaning that while forming your question you are assuming that what you want is ALREADY true. This has been proven to be the fastest, most effective way of shifting the way you communicate your intentions and goals to the world outside of you and the one INSIDE you as well. 

Now you will finally turn the key that allows you to take conscious control of your subconscious thoughts. Gives new meaning to being 'body conscious' doesn't it? YOU are a truly powerful being with unlimited potential. And, now, you are about to find out just how powerful you truly are! Besides the Florence Scovil Shinn inspired affirmations and the empowering questions, each day will also offer a 'Tip' or some proactive advice to put your goals into gear by adding proactive and empowering action steps to your affirmation and writing exercises. THESE TIPS ARE SIMPLY SUGGESTIONS and are not mandatory to do daily as the aforementioned ones are. You will also find some cheerleading and encouragement from me to you since I am so proud of and happy for you on your way to your healthiest and best body ever!

This process has been deliberately designed so that you can do, for a consecutive 21 Days straight, what you feel most comfortable with. If you are truly committed and dedicated to reshaping your body through retraining your mind then you will want to remain as vigilant as possible to doing the daily affirmations and writing exercises too. If enacting any or all of the TIPS feels too constraining at the moment, then go ahead and let that piece go while focusing and concentrating on creating new habits while negating old and destructive ones. This whole idea here is to get you started on doing something so powerful, so proactive and so success oriented for a CONSECUTIVE 21 Days that you will have created a new habit that will serve you for the entire rest of your life. 

These are exponentially powerful practices and teachings that will turn your life into the positive, healthy and wonderful place that it was always meant to be. That's the beauty of this path as using all or any of this information will show you HUGE results that will last your whole life long. Absolutely the gift you give to YOU that just keeps on giving and giving and giving.

Get yourself a lovely journal (if you haven't already begun using one for this challenge) 
Day 1) Copy the rules of the challenge below

1. Commit to working this program for 21 consecutive days no matter what.
2. Commit to begin again if you somehow skip a day.
3. Remember to write everything, your affirmations and your daily questioning exercises, in your own hand. 4. NO computers or other electronics can evoke the powerful response that writing from your own hand can elicit.
5. Try not to criticize yourself during this entire process. This is about honoring YOU, loving YOU, being kind(er) to YOU! Don't edit what you write or second guess. Just keep moving forward.
6. When you first begin, follow your own intuition as well as your own inner guidance. This applies to how much you choose to address and what you choose to put down on paper. Plain and simply you CANNOT do anything wrong here!
7. Don't judge yourself. Ever. Do what feels comfortable, comforting and instinctually right for you.

Good Luck ;) 

Introduction to the coursework I've done with Ellen Whitehurst

You've probably already heard that research and studies have proven that it only takes 21 days to create a new habit right? But did you also know that it takes that same small amount of time to create new neural pathways in your brain so that you can literally think yourself slimmer and a whole lot happier too? In this amazing 21 day mental owner's manual for achieving your best body ever, blends secrets, symbols, shortcuts, tips and time-tested techniques with cutting edge modern medical theory and practical application to your best and healthiest body ever. 

You can now create and achieve a healthy, happy, harmonious body that will last your entire life long. And a longer life will be one of the big blessings and benefits you will receive from following this 21 day process and program as well!

This manual is a map that will teach you how to stop the self-sabotage, lose the excess weight (as well as a whole lot of worry too!) and, then, transform into your best body ever! Increased weight loss, more energy, less stress, health, happiness and total brain/body transformation in only 21 days, this easy to follow and easier to implement information is life-altering!

Other blessings and big benefits you can expect from the simple to follow program are increased confidence and self-esteem, an elevated sense of self-love and self worth as well as ways to create and then connect to parts of your body and your brain that will allow you to get 'fit' on every imaginable level. Recent scientific studies have now proven what ancient Shamanic techniques have taught us all along; our brains shape our bodies. These cutting edge neurological advances are now proving that we can change the 'hardwiring' in our brains and literally and consciously create new pathways to our 'higher' brains that will allow us to tap powerful personal potential and possibilities. Some are now calling this 'new' science the 'neuroscience of enlightenment." I call it Shape Shifting, changing your thoughts in order to change the shape you're in. With easy to swallow nutritional advice, suggested dietary supplements, easy to follow and proven success-FULL shamanic practices, meditations, affirmations and writing exercises, this course will guide us, step by empowering step, through a program that can clear them from patterns of self-sabotage as well from past or previous trauma.

Now anyone and everyone can clear from their past so that they can release and open to intentional spaces of inner peace and heightened harmony. Get ready to 'be' your best body ever!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Food Concept of the week: Greens

Green vegetables are the foods most missing in modern diets. Learning to cook and eat greens is essential to creating health. When you nourish yourself with greens, you will naturally crowd out the foods that make you sick. Greens help build your internal rainforest and strengthen the blood and respiratory system. They are especially good for city people who rarely see fields of green in open countryside. Green is associated with spring, the time of renewal, refreshment and vital energy. In Asian medicine, green is related to the liver, emotional stability and creativity.

Nutritionally, greens are very high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc and vitamins A, C, E and K. They are crammed with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micronutrients and phytochemicals. Whenever possible, choose organic. But eating non-organic greens is much better than not eating any greens at all!

Some of the benefits of eating dark leafy greens are: Blood purification, Cancer prevention, Improved circulation, Strengthened immune system, Promotion of healthy intestinal flora, Promotion of subtle, light and flexible energy, Lifted spirit and elimination of depression, Improved liver, gall bladder and kidney function, Cleared congestion, especially in lungs by reducing mucus.

There are so many greens to choose from. Find greens that you love and eat them often. When you get bored with your favorites, be adventurous and try greens that you've never heard of before. Broccoli is very popular among adults and children. Each stem is like a tree trunk, giving you strong, grounding energy. Rotate between bok choy, napa cabbage, kale, collards, watercress, mustard greens, broccoli rabe, dandelion and other leafy greens. Green cabbage is great cooked or raw, or in the form of sauerkraut. Arugula, endive, chicory, lettuce, mesclun and wild greens are generally eaten raw, but can be consumed in any creative way you enjoy. Spinach, Swiss chard and beet greens are best eaten in moderation because they are high in oxalic acid, which depletes calcium from bones and teeth, and may lead to osteoporosis. Cook these vegetables with something rich like tofu, seeds, nuts, beans, butter, animal products or oil. This will help balance the effect of the oxalic acid.

SPECIAL TIP: The stinging nettle plant, sold as nettles in apothecaries and anywhere loose tea is sold, is an excellent source of green nourishment. It is a great antihistamine, with a very high content of chlorophyll, iron, vitamin C, vitamin K and flavonoids; just to mention a few. It acts like a multivatamin and will adapt to your bodies unique needs over time. Make this as a standard infused tea- at least a cup a day of this over a period of time will greatly improve your overall health. Try it out!

Cooking Greens
Try a variety of methods like steaming, boiling, sauteing in oil, water sauteing, waterless cooking or lightly pickling, as in a pressed salad. Boiling makes greens plump and relaxed. Boil for under a minute so that the nutrients in the greens do not get lost in the water. You can also drink the cooking water as a health-giving broth or tea if you're using organic greens. Steaming makes greens more fibrous and tight, which is great for people who are trying to lose weight. Raw salad is also a wonderful preparation for greens. It's refreshing, cooling and supplies live enzymes.

Recipe: Winter Wilted Greens


2 teaspoons coconut oil
½ ripe pear, roughly diced
¼ cup pecans, coarsely chopped
4-5 cups of chopped dark greens (dandelion, arugula, radicchio, endive, mustard greens, kale, swiss chard)
¼ cup olive oil
⅛ cup apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon whole-grain mustard
pinch sea salt, fresh ground black pepper

Directions for dressing:
Mix the olive oil, mustard, and cider vinegar into a bowl. Whisk to incorporate. Add a few turns of the pepper grinder (to taste) and a sprinkle of sea salt. Set aside.

Directions for salad:
Heat a large saute pan over medium high heat. Melt in the coconut oil, then once hot, add the pears. Cook for a few minutes to slightly soften and brown them. Toss in the pecans just to warm them up, then add in the bitter greens. Toss gently with tongs until gently wilted, then toss with a few tablespoons of the vinaigrette. Serve immediately.

Notes: Add any of these for more protein or to make a heartier meal: Leftover chicken Wild salmon (or any leftover fish) Cooked beans (white or garbanzo work best here) Red, green, or brown lentils

Lifestyle/Journal Entries for the week:
What is your relationship to buying food and cooking at home? Is this something that is part of your every day life or completely foreign and/or intimidating to you? If this is something you do not currently do, think about the following questions and challenge yourself a bit:
When are you going to buy food? When are you going to cook it? How are you going to cook it? Play around with these ideas.

What are 2 things you know you could be doing differently for your health and wellness? Write this down so you will remember. Based on that, decide on 1-2 goals for yourself over the next 8 weeks. Even if you are a seasoned greens eater, pick one new green to try this week. What did you find helpful in this lesson? I strongly encourage you to use the discuss board to share your goals and ideas. However, if you prefer the one-on-one style of learning, feel free to email me. I will absolutely be available to answer questions and support you in this either way.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Combating Self-Sabotage Proactively

Whether you're trying to lose a few pounds, find inner peace, heal your heart or anything else, you might have to fake it till you make it. Even if you don't feel as strong, fit, balanced or capable as you would like, you're going to act like you are. You will literally take the actions of healthy, happy people until you're one of them. And with this challenge, you will be.

As you begin this challenge, as easy as it may be to do what I'm suggesting, you need to be aware of one pitfall I've seen people fall into with other programs. Not this one! We're going to sidestep this baby before it gets a chance to stop you in your tracks.

Whenever you're making the decision to go to that next, best level of yourself (and boy, are you ever in the right place for that!), you can count on one thing: self-sabotage.

Even if you really, really want an incredible body, a mind focused on your goals and a heart that's free from old dramas, you may find that in other programs or in general, you've lost willpower easily & suddenly find yourself having that big dinner or extra dessert, skipping days of the challenge, falling back into familiar but dark ways of behaving or otherwise limiting your own success!

That's because old habits are strong. In yoga, they are called samskaras (saam-scar-ahs), the ruts, or places where we get stuck thinking and doing things that take us off our best path instead of keeping us on the fast-lane to transformation.

We all have them, though they express themselves differently for each of us. Some common samskaras are:

• Excuses for why you can't exercise today

• Truths you believe that cause you stress, anxiety and limitation

• Ways of seeing your experiences that promote lack, not abundance

• Allowing other people's needs to come before your own

• Stories you're sticking to that make you the victim of your life instead of the master

Luckily, since we created these grooves in our thinking and actions, it means we can unstick ourselves, too, but it takes more effort at first & then will become easier and easier. Today, get ready to push yourself out of the muck and onto a new path that serves you the best.

Whatever your ruts are, you must stay vigilant against them creeping back in, to slow your progress. Any time you want to grow and change, they will rise up and attempt to stop you. This may have worked for them in the past, but not now.

What I'm here to help you do is to not let self-sabotage win. You CAN eat well, stay focused on your fitness and reach your ultimate body and life goals. It's all up to you, and with my guidance, you will create miracles.

Hold your own hands right now, look into a mirror, and make a promise to yourself:

I can do this!
I can do anything I dream!
I can do anything I believe!

Ready to begin? Let's go!

Create a Transformation Journal

I'm a writer, and I find that myself, and so many of my clients make more powerful, lasting changes when they can see their truth on paper.

I want you to get a journal. It should be inspiring, and something that you feel like writing in. This way you will literally write the book on how and what you need to transform and you can both see the bigger picture as you write it, and refer back to it again and again anytime you need to remind yourself of what your own Core Values and answers are.

Here's your first entry: Remember those old habits, or samskaras, we talked about? In black or blue ink, I want you to write on a piece of paper your Top 3 samskaras, habitual actions you take or ideas you hold about yourself that keep you from reaching your weight loss or happiness goals.

Then, take a red pen or marker, cross out the parts of your story that diminish, demean or block you from success, and re-write them into something that builds you up, makes your goals possible, and are something you can begin to believe instead of the old ways. For example, "I have no willpower and can't seem to lose weight" might become "The skill of willpower is something I'm dedicating to strengthen in myself." Equally as true, but more empowering, giving you the fuel you need to keep a positive outlook and make shift happen.

Rewrite the positive affirmations on a separate sheet of paper. Tack this list up on your fridge or mirror. Put it somewhere you can see it repeatedly throughout the day. Whenever your mind defaults to old ways of thinking, repeat your new truth out loud three times. This is an old mystic trick that will negate the samskara and begin to soften the scars that only you can heal.

Day 1... morning post

Today, I'm at the beach with the kids. So, unfortunately, I can't post the many things I want to share. I will, however, let you know that I've begun my day with my simple morning detox, which I've re-posted below. 

Later, I'll do & share today's yoga & after that, I'll be sure to post the assignments/thoughts for the changes within our thoughts that will begin today. 

I hope you are as excited as I am to begin this journey and have an incredible, life changing 21 days. 

Each morning, before breakfast, is a prime time to clean out your filters, like the kidneys, liver and GI tract. This means that in just a couple of minutes, you can make a huge difference in how your body processes your food the rest of the day. This makes for less fat storage, easier digestion and a more efficient metabolism.

Instead of expensive, messy detox powders or fasts, all you need is a cup of lemon tea!


8 oz of hot water (a small tea or coffee cup is fine)
Add juice of 1/2 lemon
Add honey to taste

Drink this yummy brew 20 minutes before eating any food, and let the skin-clearing, calorie-burning bonfire begin!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Unbelievably grateful!!!

First and foremost, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the interest and support this Challenge has received! I never imagined it would be so successful, but as I watched the scale drop and my tummy tighten, in no time at all, I knew I was onto something big. I've worked as a 'Fit Life Coach' for 2 years & was considering expanding my business by becoming a personal trainer as well. However, writing is my #1 passion. So, instead of hitting the gym with everyone I want to help, which would be impossible really. I've decided, instead, to write a book that will teach you how to be your own fitness coach and personal trainer.

I have been working hard to get the details of my diet written in a complete & concise manner for the editor so that it can be available in Ebook format that will be easy to follow on your own. My experience, thus far, has been helping each individual person (myself included) develop personalized plans that meet their individual goals. However, I believe it is possible to teach everyone to do the same thing that any personal trainer or coach would do for them.

I have put so much new research, combined with my own education and experience, into each step of this Challenge & contents of the book. I have created a simple plan that it is safe, effective and (most important for those of us that have been on the seesaw scale for years) LASTING!!

Basically, the book will help you analyze your diet thoroughly/professionally and develop a diet and exercise plan that fits your own baseline. From there, you will be able to "challenge" yourself.You will push your set limits. You can and will lose the extra weight you wish or simply tone everything up & feel your best! No matter if it's 10 or 100 pounds that you want to lose, if you follow the steps and commit to pushing yourself forward, you will find success!!

If you wish to get started sooner, read the blog entries below that summarize some of the chapters of the book, including
Take Inventory (what are the current contents of your kitchen & available means of exercise)
Add Variety (what should be added to your kitchen with more suggestions/recipes than on blog)
Create a Baseline (your "comfort zone" level of daily intake & exercise)
Double Up/Double Down (the "hardcore" step that lasts only 3 days)

Some chapters that are not included on this blog, but will be included in the book
Setting Realistic Goals (using safe guidelines to create goals that will last)
Making a Commitment (thorough chapter on the commitment process)
Analyzing Your Progress (the final "step" in the cycle of steps that will repeat as needed)
Maintaining (once you have reached your goals, never going back)

Lastly, for those of you that were followers of my blog prior to the start of this challenge that simply enjoy my completely random thoughts about life & such, I have started a new blog Random Chaos. Please come and check it out. I really enjoy venting in what often turns into journal type entries with the support of blogtopia.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The final results

I lost a total of 17lbs & 24 inches!!

I lost 1 inch off each arm, 2 off each thigh, 4 off my bust (this one shocked me... I think I had more back fat than I realized), 5 inches off my waist, 6 off my stomach (the number I'm the most pleased with) & 3 off my hips (which is pretty much as low as I can go because I have big hip bones)

If you want to know how I lost so much unwanted fat in only 21 days (which, by the way, actually got cut short b/c for the last 3 days, I was not feeling well & stayed in bed all weekend) so 18 days really... please read prior posts on this blog, including the comparison to advocare, I just posted.

If you'd like to take it a step further & start your own challenge but would like some assistance, please email me at

I've helped coach weight loss through email exchanges prior to this new challenge & all the research that came with it. I would love to help you meet your goals!! If you're developing the plan yourself, good luck & please feel free to share your success or ask any questions along the way.

17lbs & 24 inches gone in 18 days!!!

Now that I look more closely at this picture, I can see how the bust/back fat was reduced so greatly.

I have to give a special thanks to my daughter, Madi for helping me find great stomach exercises & butt workouts that were quick & fun!!

We enjoyed trying all the crazy routines until we found the most effect moves that would be quick& easy to do on a daily basis.

I can't wait to share everything in more detail soon. Please keep in mind as you read all the posts below, that this is a super summarized version of my challenge. It includes only portions of certain steps. I'm currently working on  writing the full plan out in book format (because it really is a lot of info to help make life changing steps to permanent success) & I'm also accepting new clients for personalized plans. I have spent so much time doing research to find the 'right'way to lose weight without gaining it back twofold. I can't wait to share everything I've learned, put together & found personally successful!!

My plan vs Advocare... in a nutshell

Without any expensive diets that leave you hooked to their products for long term results, I surpassed my goals with simple changes that can and will last. As much as I like winning the competition with my sister, I must say I'm proud of her as well & she's looking & feeling great too. I'm just a bit worried that she'll have to financially continue to spend 200a month on advocare products to maintain or continue losing.

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I like to do things the most simple & inexpensive way possible. My sister said that my diet was too weird and I worked out too much. Well, both of those statements are false! The only thing I added to my everyday diet was extra vitamins in the emergen-C packets & for breakfast every morning, I had some sort of fruit. Now, yes, out of my own curiosity, I explored and found some new fruits to try along the way. However, most mornings I just had a banana & an orange or pear.

She also said that most people want to lose weight without working out. Well, if that's the case, I guess they would really have to decrease caloric intake. I, on the other hand, enjoy food & want a system that will last so yes, I do workout everyday. However, did I workout 'too much' ... NO WAY. Out of the 21 days, I only did 6 hardcore days & only 3 days at a time! Those days were necessary to lose the amount of weight I wanted in such a short time frame.The rest of the days, I only did 15 minutes in the morning & 15 minutes at night & most days I did a 30 minute walk or run as well.

Call that crazy/weird or too much... ? Ok, but if you think it sounds simple enough & you would like more information about my diet plan or would like my help losing weight with a personalized plan for you, please contact me at

I have successfully helped clients lose weight through coaching via email prior to my new challenge & all the research it entailed & would be happy to work with you as well to help you meet your goals.