The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Monday, June 30, 2014


I want to start these pages by unequivocally stating that this 21 Day process will work to bring about the best YOU ever, no matter the shape you are in right now; body, mind and/or spirit! After writing about, counseling and coaching clients through all sorts of life aspirations and agendas, using all kinds of empowering rituals and regimes, secrets, shortcuts, tips and techniques, I feel MORE than confident in promising (guaranteeing almost!) YOUR success-full and powerfully positive results using the information I've packed into this new Mental Owner's Manual for SHIFTING YOUR THOUGHTS, CHANGING YOUR SHAPE! 

This manual or guide will now provide you all the info you need to access and achieve your best body ever as well as all the anecdotal evidence substantiating these suggestions too! You'll also get a heartfelt and hearty dose of daily encouragement and enthusiasm from me as I take you, day by day, into a world of ancient secrets and symbols, tips and techniques while also adding more modern and cutting edge 'best body' therapies!

See, what I've learned over all these years is that retraining the mind can and will allow you triumph when you proactively trigger your intentions, whether that's about losing weight to feel better, or to look better, or even because of outstanding health issues and agendas. Keeping your attention and focus on the actions, affirmations and steps you can easily take to shift your thoughts and change your shape will be the key that throws open the door to your successful end results. You are now the proud owner of a proactive process and exponentially empowering life-altering practices that will not only provide a positive focus for unconscious and subconscious habit shifts and changes but will also offer energies that will uncover your best body ever.

 This process and these practices will help to strengthen your self-control as well as your sense of self-confidence and self- worth. And that's just the beginning. These time-tested suggestions will also provide you with a deeper understanding and better connection to that same self, giving you the tools you need to live much more comfortably in your own body as it transforms into a healthier, happier and more harmonious one. The inspirational and effective material offered inside this 21 Day process addresses the arenas of body, mind and spirit that will give you permission to be in control of your own health and well-being and then to use that control to your highest benefit and best advantage.

And just so we're clear here, this is NOT any traditional 'mind over meatballs' sort of 'think yourself slim' report. Although overcoming emotional overwhelm in order to let go of both excess baggage and weight is one of the goals of this report, weight reduction is not the only positive result you will see from using it. We are actually going to be tapping a part of your brain that will make it easier to attain ANY of your goals, like bringing forth the best YOU ever, in a much more effective and empowering and, yes, even an easier than ever before manner.

 That said, a study performed by the JOURNAL OF CONSULTING AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY did find that using 'mind therapy' could boost overall weight reduction by a whopping 146 percent, so, yeah, there is that! Mostly, though, this information will give you the opportunity to make shifts in your life that will then proactively and positively result in you being kinder to you, and, if you ask me, that's worth any effort all by itself!

My mission here is single focused and passionate; I want to help you make your hopes, wishes and yes, YOUR dreams a reality. And, well, if having a healthy and beautiful body is one of those dreams than THESE pages were written expressly for you!

As you will soon see I have divided each day's teachings into four parts of each of the 21 days represented in this process. There are affirmations included for each day and a written exercise containing a question as well. I've included this question to actually activate or trigger your affirmation. I have personally seen first hand how traditional affirmations sometimes don't work for people partially because they don't really believe what it is that they are trying to convince themselves of. However, if you turn that process around and ask yourself a logical question: "if the mind is always searching for answers to questions then why not ask the right empowering question that will then prompt us to change our thought patterns to the positive in order to answer them?" Whew said a mouthful there eh? But this thinking is easy to swallow when you realize that you indeed create your reality in two distinct ways: by the statements you say to yourself and all others as well as by the questions you ask too. 

ONLY when you harness the power of asking the right questions and then add that exercise to your affirmative ones will you have found the portal or pathway to SHIFTING YOUR THOUGHTS and, then, CHANGING YOUR SHAPE. Just remember that when you are forming your question you are acting 'As If' meaning that while forming your question you are assuming that what you want is ALREADY true. This has been proven to be the fastest, most effective way of shifting the way you communicate your intentions and goals to the world outside of you and the one INSIDE you as well. 

Now you will finally turn the key that allows you to take conscious control of your subconscious thoughts. Gives new meaning to being 'body conscious' doesn't it? YOU are a truly powerful being with unlimited potential. And, now, you are about to find out just how powerful you truly are! Besides the Florence Scovil Shinn inspired affirmations and the empowering questions, each day will also offer a 'Tip' or some proactive advice to put your goals into gear by adding proactive and empowering action steps to your affirmation and writing exercises. THESE TIPS ARE SIMPLY SUGGESTIONS and are not mandatory to do daily as the aforementioned ones are. You will also find some cheerleading and encouragement from me to you since I am so proud of and happy for you on your way to your healthiest and best body ever!

This process has been deliberately designed so that you can do, for a consecutive 21 Days straight, what you feel most comfortable with. If you are truly committed and dedicated to reshaping your body through retraining your mind then you will want to remain as vigilant as possible to doing the daily affirmations and writing exercises too. If enacting any or all of the TIPS feels too constraining at the moment, then go ahead and let that piece go while focusing and concentrating on creating new habits while negating old and destructive ones. This whole idea here is to get you started on doing something so powerful, so proactive and so success oriented for a CONSECUTIVE 21 Days that you will have created a new habit that will serve you for the entire rest of your life. 

These are exponentially powerful practices and teachings that will turn your life into the positive, healthy and wonderful place that it was always meant to be. That's the beauty of this path as using all or any of this information will show you HUGE results that will last your whole life long. Absolutely the gift you give to YOU that just keeps on giving and giving and giving.

Get yourself a lovely journal (if you haven't already begun using one for this challenge) 
Day 1) Copy the rules of the challenge below

1. Commit to working this program for 21 consecutive days no matter what.
2. Commit to begin again if you somehow skip a day.
3. Remember to write everything, your affirmations and your daily questioning exercises, in your own hand. 4. NO computers or other electronics can evoke the powerful response that writing from your own hand can elicit.
5. Try not to criticize yourself during this entire process. This is about honoring YOU, loving YOU, being kind(er) to YOU! Don't edit what you write or second guess. Just keep moving forward.
6. When you first begin, follow your own intuition as well as your own inner guidance. This applies to how much you choose to address and what you choose to put down on paper. Plain and simply you CANNOT do anything wrong here!
7. Don't judge yourself. Ever. Do what feels comfortable, comforting and instinctually right for you.

Good Luck ;) 

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