The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Monday, June 30, 2014


It was my understanding, that yoga can be one of the worst ways to lose weight, like, ever. 

Some of the gentle and restorative styles, and even classes that say they will move you, but really don't, are going to burn about as many calories as taking a nap. 

What many people don't know (yet) is that, done right, yoga can also be one of the best for turning on the inner switches that cause weight loss and a higher metabolism. It all depends on exactly which type of yoga workout one chooses.

Luckily, I've done my homework and found a yoga type that targets weight loss or maintenance along with all the other benefits of a great yoga class.

Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga is the one style I know for certain that will definitely produce results and supercharge weight loss in any body.

This type of  yoga is becoming known for being one of the, if not the best yoga styles for weight loss. It includes the following components that make this possible, all of which are not found in any other program  currently on the market. 

This style is truly cutting-edge:

It is a contemporary yoga workout that will produce the most total body transformation, weight loss and toning in the least amount of time, all while remaining accessible to beginners and up. I know that from physical fitness stems self-esteem, and empowerment, my ultimate goal for every reader.

It has signature, Core Poses that have not been seen before in other styles. This helps you cross-train, even from your regular yoga practice, producing more lean muscle and toning results. My instructions move you from the ground up, so even beginners find them easy to master.

This style is safer than many other programs, and focuses on keeping the practitioner safe yet attracted to doing these exciting new poses. The instructor builds each move using the democratic science of anatomy, based on what the body actually needs--and doesn't--to trigger lean muscle, greater flexibility and weight loss.

The yoga body is a body that is lean and long, more like a ballet dancer than a bodybuilder. It's defined but not hard, superhero-strong but flexible. It is a calorie-incinerating machine that works for you all day and night long so you can stop worrying so much about everything you put in your mouth and get back to doing fun stuff. I cannot wait to post the before and after pictures to show the difference between weight loss alone and weight loss, nutritional override and yoga body pictures. 

Below is the link to the yoga workout that will be used during my challenge. Trust me, you are in good hands and she is the best!! 

Good luck!! 

Total Body Yoga Sculpt

 - Yoga Workout Link
username: yogasculpt
password: 19321121620

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