The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Unbelievably grateful!!!

First and foremost, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the interest and support this Challenge has received! I never imagined it would be so successful, but as I watched the scale drop and my tummy tighten, in no time at all, I knew I was onto something big. I've worked as a 'Fit Life Coach' for 2 years & was considering expanding my business by becoming a personal trainer as well. However, writing is my #1 passion. So, instead of hitting the gym with everyone I want to help, which would be impossible really. I've decided, instead, to write a book that will teach you how to be your own fitness coach and personal trainer.

I have been working hard to get the details of my diet written in a complete & concise manner for the editor so that it can be available in Ebook format that will be easy to follow on your own. My experience, thus far, has been helping each individual person (myself included) develop personalized plans that meet their individual goals. However, I believe it is possible to teach everyone to do the same thing that any personal trainer or coach would do for them.

I have put so much new research, combined with my own education and experience, into each step of this Challenge & contents of the book. I have created a simple plan that it is safe, effective and (most important for those of us that have been on the seesaw scale for years) LASTING!!

Basically, the book will help you analyze your diet thoroughly/professionally and develop a diet and exercise plan that fits your own baseline. From there, you will be able to "challenge" yourself.You will push your set limits. You can and will lose the extra weight you wish or simply tone everything up & feel your best! No matter if it's 10 or 100 pounds that you want to lose, if you follow the steps and commit to pushing yourself forward, you will find success!!

If you wish to get started sooner, read the blog entries below that summarize some of the chapters of the book, including
Take Inventory (what are the current contents of your kitchen & available means of exercise)
Add Variety (what should be added to your kitchen with more suggestions/recipes than on blog)
Create a Baseline (your "comfort zone" level of daily intake & exercise)
Double Up/Double Down (the "hardcore" step that lasts only 3 days)

Some chapters that are not included on this blog, but will be included in the book
Setting Realistic Goals (using safe guidelines to create goals that will last)
Making a Commitment (thorough chapter on the commitment process)
Analyzing Your Progress (the final "step" in the cycle of steps that will repeat as needed)
Maintaining (once you have reached your goals, never going back)

Lastly, for those of you that were followers of my blog prior to the start of this challenge that simply enjoy my completely random thoughts about life & such, I have started a new blog Random Chaos. Please come and check it out. I really enjoy venting in what often turns into journal type entries with the support of blogtopia.

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