The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Combating Self-Sabotage Proactively

Whether you're trying to lose a few pounds, find inner peace, heal your heart or anything else, you might have to fake it till you make it. Even if you don't feel as strong, fit, balanced or capable as you would like, you're going to act like you are. You will literally take the actions of healthy, happy people until you're one of them. And with this challenge, you will be.

As you begin this challenge, as easy as it may be to do what I'm suggesting, you need to be aware of one pitfall I've seen people fall into with other programs. Not this one! We're going to sidestep this baby before it gets a chance to stop you in your tracks.

Whenever you're making the decision to go to that next, best level of yourself (and boy, are you ever in the right place for that!), you can count on one thing: self-sabotage.

Even if you really, really want an incredible body, a mind focused on your goals and a heart that's free from old dramas, you may find that in other programs or in general, you've lost willpower easily & suddenly find yourself having that big dinner or extra dessert, skipping days of the challenge, falling back into familiar but dark ways of behaving or otherwise limiting your own success!

That's because old habits are strong. In yoga, they are called samskaras (saam-scar-ahs), the ruts, or places where we get stuck thinking and doing things that take us off our best path instead of keeping us on the fast-lane to transformation.

We all have them, though they express themselves differently for each of us. Some common samskaras are:

• Excuses for why you can't exercise today

• Truths you believe that cause you stress, anxiety and limitation

• Ways of seeing your experiences that promote lack, not abundance

• Allowing other people's needs to come before your own

• Stories you're sticking to that make you the victim of your life instead of the master

Luckily, since we created these grooves in our thinking and actions, it means we can unstick ourselves, too, but it takes more effort at first & then will become easier and easier. Today, get ready to push yourself out of the muck and onto a new path that serves you the best.

Whatever your ruts are, you must stay vigilant against them creeping back in, to slow your progress. Any time you want to grow and change, they will rise up and attempt to stop you. This may have worked for them in the past, but not now.

What I'm here to help you do is to not let self-sabotage win. You CAN eat well, stay focused on your fitness and reach your ultimate body and life goals. It's all up to you, and with my guidance, you will create miracles.

Hold your own hands right now, look into a mirror, and make a promise to yourself:

I can do this!
I can do anything I dream!
I can do anything I believe!

Ready to begin? Let's go!

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