The continuum...

Within a few months, this website will be run by Doctor Stephanie Chasles. In the meantime, what I lack in pedigree, I make up for with research, dedication, experience and passion. If I can assist you in any other way, please don't hesitate to email me at

If you want to know more about me, personally, non-diet related, you can visit my new blog for the continuum of my chaotic life by clicking the link... Random Chaos....

Thursday, August 8, 2013

What am I grateful for this particular evening?

Tonight I am so grateful my beautiful daughters are home. Only 5 days gone, but I couldn't have missed them more.

This is the reason for such a short post this evening. However, I'll be back tomorrow. So, if you want to tell me what you're grateful for.. I'll be happy to chat tomorrow.

To those friends that have been responding to these posts on my old blog, through email or via Facebook... thank you! But, let's make this blog the central discussion board. It's getting difficult keeping up with up with all the different blogs and write my novel. So, I'm trying to condense all my favorite topics. I hope it works and I don't lose anyone along the way because I absolutely love talking with you all.

Goodnight ;)

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